Final Fantasy III DS – Yet another unknown-to-Americans Final Fantasy game is being retrofitted for mass consumption. I’m stoked on this one, because not only will the game be new to me, but the graphics look fanfuckingtastic. I heard the game was actually very good, so let’s hope that the revamp does it justice.
Teaser trailer here, just to give you a little more meat on this Good Friday.
A lot of people are pissed that this isn’t Final Fantasy VI, or the American III. I’m not. I’ll be happy with the GBA rerelease coming this year, I don’t need graphical enhancements and such for a game that I have high nostalgic love for. Putting in better graphics and such might ruin the experience for me.- Ace Combat X for PSP – This just gets me horny all over. I love the Ace Combat series (except for one of em, I forget which) and I’m stoked that I’ll finally be able to play one of ’em on the go.
- Daisenryaku DS: Great Strategy – This one intrigues me greatly. It basically looks like what Advanced Wars DS should have been: a graphically rocking version of Advanced Wars. Instead, it was basically a sequel with touch-screen capabilities. Don’t get me wrong, it was fun, but they could have done a lot more in my opinion. This game, on the other hand, looks gorgeous. Hopefully they decide to release it in the US.
- Ubisoft Dumps Starforce – Good move on their part.
- What you’re seeing here is an in-WoW funeral for a real life girl that died. I blatently stole this from the forum, because it’s fucked up and hilarious all at the same time.
You see, the girl died in real life, and her clan friends decided to have a memorial for her in-game character. Problem is, they decided to hold it in a very PVP-heavy area, and publicize the location. Needless to say, a rival clan decided to turn the service into a massive slaughter. The resulting bitchiness makes for an entertaining afternoon read, especially if you haven’t ever played WoW and find it as incredibly nerdy as I do.
Messed up? Yes. Funny? Very.
YoutubeMy god youtube is fucking slow. I gave up half way through ‘yesterday’.
aahahahalollercaust. i love the lead up with \”Where Eagles Dare\” and then the massacre aaahaha
Thats my guild!Thats my guild!As the group runs up just prior to the attack, they meet up on a paladin and we run in. That paladin is me.