1. Buahaha!Oh man that’s gold. Me and my bro used to collect and play that game, and some of those cards could be worth the $300 on their own. I think that’s hilarious and I can only imagine that dude watching all his efforts in collecting get taken away. I can also imagine a fat 40 year old guy in a hawaiian shirt, in a beautiful island, living in his mom’s basement playing WoW till he dies.

  2. I’m fucking bidding!I have no less than 6 people at work that play. And I’m willing to bet I can make the money back easy by selling cards. Plus, I can take the good cards for my own collection, and ebay the singles that are worth something.

  3. funny but…Funny, but I find it either odd or suspicious that someone is willing to admit to a theft on the Internet, especially in a way that can be tracked back to the person. Also, in light of the fact, that the items may be worth a lot (1000’s?) which would put it out of the petty crime range and into the big leagues. also, the person buying it would also be guilty of receiving stolen goods and assisting in transporting said good across state line, potentially. So either the guy is lying to drum up attention or may be an idiot, or both..

  4. UnlikelyPeople are always creating these elaborate stories on eBay listings. Like, \”my wife left me and I took all her beanie babies, aren’t these things stupid, har har\”. Then, people post the links as a joke, they get a bunch of hits and an inflated auction price. I guarantee the story is bogus.

  5. sweetRecently Mel Gibson was arrested while under the influence. He then made racist remarks to the cops. Here is my re-enactment of the famous night.

  6. HuhYeah, as said previously- these bogus stories come up all the time. Beware of bidding- none of the cards shown are worth much (if anything), and they may very well be the best cards of the lot.

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