Resisting temptation to place a horrible pun in the title

I doubt that any of you mofos have any money left after Sharkey linked the adult diaper store the other day, but just in case any of you have birthdays coming up or excessively large trust funds (paypal), I thought I’d share.

It’s the GasBGon flatulence filter, and it’s helping provide relief for thousands of gas passers who have cleared rooms or blamed the dog for far too long.

“People tell us, ‘Thank you for giving my life back. Now I can go out in public again,'” Sharron Huza, the cushion’s creator, said in an interview. “They’ll bring it with them to the movie theatre, to work, in the car or on the airplane.”

Now, take a look at the “it” that they are bringing “with them to the movie theatre, to work, in the car or on the airplane”:


Sweet Jesus. I guess there still isn’t much room for discreetness in this sick, sad world. Furthermore, if I had the time, I sure as hell wouldn’t spend any of it pointing out all of the horrible puns in this Fox News article, but hey, if you are looking for some training on embarrassing yourself with shitty writing, there isn’t a better place to start:,2933,75658,00.html

Buy it here. As if any of you have contact with other actual humans LOLER HAHA. *shoots self*

Categorized as News


  1. That’s a niceass pillows. If your ass stench is that bad after like 2 days the fucking pillow would reak so bad it would no longer serve a purpose. Who the HELL has everyday ass stench that’s that bad anyway? if it’s that bad take a fucking shower more then once a year.

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