Reality TV: Why The Fuck Not

[ Reality Show “Who’s Your Daddy” Draws Controversy ]

Oh sweet Jesus.

Fox TV’s latest foray into reality TV with ‘Who’s Your Daddy?’ has come under fire from adoption groups that have branded the show, which sees an adopted woman try to guess who her biological father is for a $100,000 cash prize, ‘perverse’ and ‘repulsive’.

Kevin Healey, one of the executive producers on the show, added: “The dads want to find their daughter and the daughters want to find their dad. All of them were pitched the concept well in advance of coming on the show.”

Why they don’t just come out with a show that’s called “make stupid motherfuckers cry” I’ll never know. That’s probably their last ditch-effort for ratings, coming out and stating the obvious.

I came up with a new show the other night whilst drunk and… yeah, drunk. So nothing’s changed. Anyway, the idea was to invite a bunch of Japanese baseball players to come over and join the MLB. You know, get them all excited to become the next Ichiro. Then when they get here and the little bastards are all set for batting practice, they are let in on a little secret:

MLB is an acronym for Midget League Baseball.

Imagine the players staring open-mouthed at a bunch of dwarves sliding for home plate. Midget-sized baseball fields, that allow pretty much any competent 8th-grade American to score a home-run. This show idea revolves around anything that will get a reaction out of those little scaly sons of bitches.

Upstage our technology sector, will you? *shakes fist*

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Katie Holmes Boobies Holmes? or a look-a-like, you decide… flashin boobies

  2. MLB?So I’m just skimming the article here and I read a brief part about Midget League Baseball. This catches my interest, as I would gladly pay to see midgets play baseball on a tiny field. Imagine my disappointment when I saw that this was just a fantasy.Thanks for smashing my hopes like a Joe Schmo Collectors Plate.

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