Re: That Movie, Thank you!, Details, GODDAMMIT.

Does anybody know what the fuck is with all the spam? I’ve received about 600 pieces to just one account today. I know numerous people who are screaming because their mail servers are so overloaded that they can’t send or receive their lists of cute emails about kittens and happy things. Life is pain and I’m your harbinger of thorny-poking madness! God do I hate you all!

…sorry. I could really use a hug. Or some fucking chicken wings, that would be much better.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. spammassive virus attack. Took most of the US Federal Government email networks down today. we just cant catch a break! Skynet is taking over.

  2. sobig.fa nasty new version of the sobig virus that hit a few months ago is hitting servers…mmmm…. polymorphic virus

  3. HrmPerhaps if the legions of computer-retarded STOPPED using Outlook Express, these viruses wouldn’t be such a problem.Pine == best mail client EVER

  4. Pine ShmineWhy use pine when you can telnet directly to your mail server… and then we can all have monkeys fly out of our asses while we are at it.. Pine is for glorified lewsers who refuse to accept progression of technology. Be a real nerd, use pure sockets for all your connections, or move on and get with the times. Eh.. what do I care, I just needed something to rant about..

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