Randomness On A Sunday Afternoon

After a nice golf weekend out of town, I hopped back online and decided to check the news. I originally wanted to find out more about that cop who shot that family’s dog, which everyone seems to have blown way out of proportion. I love dogs. I have a big ol’ soft spot in this cold little heart for canines, but I gotta say that the guy’s not exactly evil. A tad nervous with the trigger, yes, but personally I think the guy did his unpleasant job to the best of his abilities. One mistake in the field and he’s fodder for the steaming masses of hatred that swells in the belly of America. I salute you pal, and don’t worry, our attention spans last about as long as your average celebrity wedding.

Hmm. I didn’t mean to go off on a tangeant about that story, I was actually planning on posting a couple of lines about how I randomly stumbled upon this site, which contains plenty of images worthy of Photoshoppin’ and that Triumph the Dog vs. Star Wars Geeks video. This one’s my personal favorite. If any of you have any random websites with open directories like this, please share.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. CopsWe should be less concerned with cops shooting vicious pitbulls and more concerned with cops coming into bars and arresting funloving middleaged workers in Santa suits like they did in Virginia recently. My oppinion and tribute at totallyuseless.net

  2. actually …Hey Sharkey. Most people’s concern with that little incident is the fact that after the cop shot the dog’s head off, the daughter of the family started crawling towards it in shock. The mother, seeing this, went to grab her and pull her back to the car, where the entire family was kneeling in the middle of the road. The cop, still on a power trip, decided the only sensible course of action was to club both of them on the head with the butt of his shotgun. Mother, daughter, quick succession. I think that’s what people don’t like.

  3. that Tennessee copI was originally of the same opinion as you, Sharkey, but after seeing a the vid a couple of times, I can only think that not only was he negligent (leaving the car doors open after numerous pleas to shut them), but also a total asshole on a power trip. Hell, he didn’t even apologize at all.

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