Randomly randomizing randomness

Lately, I have become obsessed with the largeheartedboy mp3 blog. The guy who runs it updates every day with musicand other interesting news, as well as daily downloads. He’s offered links for everything from Bright Eyes’ Coachella set to the mp3 page of Crypt Records (which, by the way, has a downloadable version of the Revelators’ amazing “Earthshaker, Yeah!”).

Do go and check it out. There’s a lot of good BitTorrent linkage going on, but it’s resulted in me also becoming acquainted with the Internet Live Music Archive. The site features full, lossless downloads of live concerts by bands that support live taping. Only problem is, this means LOTS of Grateful Dead. However, you can still find gems by bands like Mogwai, the Mountain Goats, and 2 Skinnee Js. All the site requires is WinAmp and a SHN player plug-in, and you’re good to go with plenty of free music.

Categorized as Music


  1. Jester…I know that it never seems like many people visit this section of BAMF, but I just want you to know you’re doing a kickass job. I’ve like or listen to everything you’ve posted so far. Keep it up.

  2. ThanksHey, man- that means a lot. Thanks a million. I don’t get many comments here, but I have a lot of fun doing it. Glad to know that someone is reading.

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