Punching Spree!

Sometimes my girlfriend likes to tell me that I spend too much time playing video games. Sometimes I like to respond with thinly-veiled threats of violence. It’s a cute thing, or at least it’s cute to me. Apparently it’s not so cute when you actually punch someone for it, like this kid.

The parents told deputies their son was playing Halo 3, and it was getting late and he needed to shut it off. When the son refused to turn off the game, the parents reportedly took the air card out of his machine so he couldn’t play anymore.

Reports show the son became enraged, went through the house looking for the air card, and then punched his mother, prompting the parents to call the Sheriff’s Office.

After the boy retreated to his bedroom and locked it, the mother knocked on the door and told him he needed to come out and talk to the deputies, the report stated. But the juvenile allegedly responded with profanity.

Harnage and another deputy entered the room using a key from the parents to arrest the son, according to the report. The son fought the deputies – at one time punching Harnage on the lip – until they handcuffed him.


…over Halo 3? Not The Orange Box, or something worth punching your own mother over?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. The parents called the fucking cops for this? Jesus Christ, the Dad needs to take off his fucking skirt, man up and beat his kid for hitting his mother. This is like a guy calling the cops if a woman hits him; no fucking mabbles.

  2. I would have crushed that piece of shit 360 over that punks empty little skull if that was my son pulling that shit.

    Fuck child services, kids deserve beatings today more than ever.

  3. What pisses me off is this will be used by the anti video game crowd as ammo that video games cause violence when in reality it’s just poor fucking parenting.

  4. This whole situation is retarded. I’m glad they put some consequences on him instead of letting him get away with it. Honestly, rather than just have Dad roll up his sleeve and beat some lesson in, it’s better that the kid get paddy-whacked. A little time in jail for getting pissed off about a video game might turn some gears in this half-wit’s brain.

    Or, comedy option, it’ll inure him to the realities of life and he’ll get himself thrown in the slammer for good on the next go-round. Here’s hoping.

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