PS3: You And Me

Everyone’s being really hard on the big S this week, but their offerings aren’t all bad. I’ll use this space to highlight a few of the uh… highlights from Sony’s neck of the woods:

  • Warhawk – YES. I’ve been waiting for a new damned Warhawk game forever. Too bad they’ll be taking out all of the really shitty FMV, that was part of the original game’s charm.

    Oh, and thanks Bongweasel for the buzzkill.

  • PS3 Game Prices To Be $70-80 – OK, this isn’t very good news. But… it’s Sony news and this is where it belongs. Oh, and do you know where this price structure belongs?

    That’s right Billy, the correct answer is “Up Ken Kutaragi’s ass.”

  • Resident Evil 5 Announced – It’ll be on the PS3 and 360, not any Nintendo systems. Maybe Sony will pull off some rad PS3-exclusive content or something.
Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. huh?I’m really failing to see how sony expects to compete with the combination of 599 for the non crippled ps3 and now 70-80 bucks per game. I don’t see how they can keep their top dog status with prices like this.

  2. WiiWhen Resident Evil 5 was announced in mid-2005, Capcom revealed that it was headed for the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360–no Nintendo platform was in sight.News out of Japan today sheds some light on the Nintendo snub, as Capcom announced that a Resident Evil game is currently in development for the Wii.The title will be \”a new game in the Resident Evil franchise\” that combines the series’ trademarks with \”the revolutionary control system of the Wii.\” No further details about the game were announced.The Wii game isn’t necessarily Resident Evil 5. Given that Resident Evil is one of its biggest franchises, Capcom does have a penchant for reworking existing RE games and creating spin-offs.

  3. hahaI don’t really see how the graphics on Warhawk was a letdown. When people found out that last years E3 PS3 coverage was a CGI fest that wasn’t even running on the PS3 hardware, now you are just seeing what release games will actually look like. I think most of the stuff looks pretty good from this year, but it’s certainly not what they promised last year. I just hope they put some good release stuff together and actually make the system worth the cost.

  4. yeah…As great as warhawk looks I have to say it looks exactly like crimson skies for the xbox except with futuristic ships vs scifi WWII ones. And that would be the original xbox and not the 360.

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