
Today I ascended a mental mountain that I had been avoiding for a long time. When you start waking up some mornings vomiting despite not having any hooch, or even food for that matter on the preceeding evening, you get a bit of tunnel vision on the road of personal achievement. But as I’ve found a regimen that seems to keep me somewhat normal, I’ve begun licking my chops at the signs of a good challenge once again.

Yes true believers, I finally moved up to Hard Mode in Rock Band. And on some decent shit too, not any of those faggot songs in the first four or five tiers.

Next mountain to climb? Right now it’s between taking up a new sport or pursuing sexual congress with a (good looking) black girl. I’m thinking that both will require the same initial level of time commitment, so it’s open to debate.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Did you have a specific lady in mind, or are you on the prowl? By the way, if you opt for the sport I vote for curling. Goose and I really want to get a team together and you could be our strong link when visiting. Count the kid out though – he can’t stand the noise the broom makes.

  2. Oh oh oh and lilsis could skate around in her 7up can costume and cheer us on! She might even still be able to do some jumps and shit. It’s all coming together.

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