Preparing To Smell Four Day Old Nerd Funk

On the road down to San Diego, to experience the last day of the Comic Con. Day four is always the roughest since, as I’m sure you already know, nerds don’t exactly have the most exemplory track record for personal hygiene. Also, ill be busy fending off nerd gropers since my girlfriend is wearing a groin-swellingly fantastic shirt that makes it seem like her titties are going to leap out and smack you in the face. After three days of nervous interaction with booth babes, their level of self control will most likely be at a profoundly low point.

If any of you readers down there catch this, you can easily spot me down at the con. Ill be the big angry fella in the mofo baseball jersey who’s fending off a barrage of sweaty nerd molestors.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Saqw you at the con…Damn, I saw you at the con today, by the penny arcade booth. I didnt know it was you though, cause I didnt read this entry til just now. I was gonna ask, but I figured it would be pretty toolish to walk up and ask if you were sharky just cause you were in a Mofo shirt. Oh well.

  2. You are an assI did not see you there. There werent that many 15 yr old nerds..mostly 25 yr old nerds me thinks… but on the brightside I got to see my favorite comic creator.. and mmm mmm mmm did he look handsome as ever. w00t!

  3. peachesi bet your fat as fuck and all zitty and shit,and for the rest of you sharkey is a nerd…but im bettin he’s still big enough to kick the fuckin crap out of the reast of you for talking about his bitches’ tities.peace

  4. i have a broken handso fuck off if i don’t check my speeling before i click the gay ass little buttonfags

  5. sharkey’s woman’s boobiesumm… if he brings it up, he can’t have any problems with us talking about them. if he does, tough.

  6. Girlfriends atributesHumm, im getting excited allready……Spend your new cash on enhancing them some more…

  7. HsingHa ha *points and laughs* You have a broken hand. uhm sure, I could resort to name calling but I’m not feeling like a 5 yr old today.Thanks Nostrin *wink*

  8. WTFHsing has been posting here the whole time and never even moused over his goddamned email address? How is it that you are less lazy in that respect than I am, Mabs? That seems like a universal paradox if I ever heard one.

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