
I pray. I pray nightly that Kevin Federline continues putting out music.

Oh shit son, he threw us a curveball right there. Stones nicknamed “Barney Rubble.” I’m going to go grab a sock and think about what I’ve done.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. i just lost about 2 minutes of my life…and i am never going to be able to get those two minutes back.and as i sit here, i wonder, why did i do it? WHY DID I LISTEN TO THE KEVIN FEDERLINE SONG UNTIL IT FINISHED? i mean, maybe i had some high hopes that in the end, he’d just start like, not rapping and say, \”haha! that was a joke! just kidding! i don’t actually rap! and i’m a transvestite! ahaha!\”…no such luck. i think i’m going to go seal my ears shut.-shudder-

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