Pick up the receiver, I’ll make you a believer

Gainesville, Florida’s the Aeffect is getting ready to release their debut full-length Secrets & Lies on their label, Hitchhiker Records on October 19. So you’ll be able to find it in stores, though, it’s being distributed by Suburban Home.

To promote their effort, they’ve filmed a video for the song “Burning In the Bed On Fire.” You can also download an mp3 of the song here. They band sounds an awful lot like Depeche Mode, but that’s never been a bad thing in my book. Hell, look what it did for the Faint.

Of course, if you find yourself listening to the mp3 and can’t wait the week and a half until the album is released, you can always check your local independant record store for their first EP, A Short Dream, on Fueled By Ramen.

Categorized as Music


  1. Mind fuckShit son, I was listening to Personal Jesus (Lollipop Lust Kill version) when I read the title to this shit, for a second my mind was blown.

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