CD Review: KIll Your Idols – “From Companionship to Competition”

by on January 6, 2005 @ 7:58 am

Lots of hardcore coming across my desk here at the MoFo. I suppose I should be happy I’m getting the heavy shit I complain about never receiving, rather than the pop-punk with screams they call hardcore nowadays.

Yeah… well… Kill Your Idols’ new release isn’t really all that spectacular, either. It’s the other side of the coin from the samey-sounding screamo acts. Of course, it has a great Pist cover (“Still Pist”). Plus, the last track, “Looking Back,” grabbed me by the ears and finally made me pay some real attention to From Companionship to Competition. “Still Pist” is pretty true to the original, and “Looking Back” has the sort of hardcore hook I haven’t experienced since Kid Dynamite broke up.

Those two songs, however, were the last two tracks. The preceeding thirteen weren’t enough to drag my attention away from whatever I was doing the times I listened to the disc. And that’s a damn shame, too. Seriously- when I listen to cds for review, I play them at work, while I’m making dinner, while I’m reading, in my headphones… I give every album a nice, well-rounded test.

With Kill Your Idols, they couldn’t grab me until the very end. Unfortunately, by that point, it was too little, too late.

SideOne Dummy
Kill Your Idols

CD Review: 7 Seconds – “Take It Back, Take It On, Take It Over”

by on @ 7:39 am

Ah, 7 Seconds. You know- they’ve been around for 25 years. Yep… 25 years. That’s the same age as me. They started at roughly the same time as I did. No lie. And you want to know another little bit of information about me and 7 Seconds?

Every album since The Crew has bored me to death.

This one is no exception. It’s not that the album sucks, it’s just that Kevin Seconds and Steve Youth seem to have a formula that worked so well for them back in ’84 that they just can’t seem to let it go. Which is a shame, because their live album, Scream Real Loud is a fantastic piece of work that shows that even though a punk band’s been together for 20 years plus, they can still rock out with the youngest of them.

However, just because you can rock like you did when you were 20 doesn’t necessarily mean you have to follow the same exact song structure you did when you were 20. If the band could branch out a little… just a little, they’d have something would would maintain my attention past the duration of the disc.

Take It Back, Take It On, Take It Over isn’t a bad album, it just isn’t anything 7 Seconds hasn’t done over and over again. They do it well, it just doesn’t grab me the same way it did the first time.

SideOne Dummy
7 Seconds

Stupid Dollar, Rebound!

by on January 5, 2005 @ 3:49 pm

So I’ve been suffering from a nasty bronchial infection for a couple of days, which thanks to antibiotics, is going away. This morning was pretty rough though, since I pretty much lost my voice completely. Aside from scratchy two-syllable words, I wasn’t getting much out above a whisper. And since my voice was so fucked up, I affected the gruff monotone vocal timber of a 90-year-old nicotene addict. So when we were at the Dublin visitors center attempting to get bus tickets, I had an interesting conversation with the woman who charged me two Euro for a bottle of fucking water:

Her: “That’ll be two Euro, five cents please. “
*I hand her three Euro*
Her: “Oh hey now. Have ye possibly got a five cent coin on ye?”
Me: “I…” (at this point my voice gives out completely, making it impossible to finish saying “I think so”, and it simply sounds like a gravelly Irish “Aye”)
Her: “Oh, great!” (follows up with a long string of what I can only assume is Gaelic)
Me: *baffled* “…..Aye.”

She was sort of confused after that, I can only hope that her foreign inquiry was not something important, like my sexual preferences or something.

There is a house in New Orleans

by on January 4, 2005 @ 4:12 pm

Back from my work-imposed abstinence from writing here. The holidays are over, my new computer is networked, and we’re gonna start off with…

150 Covers of “House of the Rising Son”.

Why the hell not? It’ll keep you monkeys occupied while I figure out what I’m gonna do for the next few weeks. I know I promised an mp3 a day, Monday through Friday starting the beginning of the year, but I didn’t get this machine set up online until this afternoon, so you all will just have to wait until I get this backlog of cd reviews (don’t worry, it’s only three) banged out.

Look for the official start of the mp3 blog next Monday. I’m trying to figure out a schedule… like, punk rock Mondays, country/folk/bluegrass Tuesdays, etc. Comment and let me know if you geniuses have any suggestions.

I can’t really blame Blue, I mean, Green is pretty hot.

by on @ 12:18 am

[ Blue Peanut M&M Sexually Assaults Woman ]

Cops are hunting a sex fiend dressed as a chocolate peanut.

The pervert – in a blue M&M sweet outfit – attacked a 24-year-old woman on her way home from a party.

But who’s to say this really happened? According to the article the woman “staggered home” and then claims she was assaulted by a man in a “blue fancy dress outfit.” Shit, for all we know she could’ve had drunken sex with one of those blue street-corner mailboxes.

Jenny Was A Tramp

by on January 3, 2005 @ 1:57 pm

[ 867-530 ni-ee-i-een ]


Some people don’t know what the hell this is, because I posted it on the message board (they know what this is about) and it spread unexpectedly. There is an 80s song by Tommy Tutone called “Jenny (867-5309)” about a guy finding a girl’s name and number on a wall and he wants to call it. The song led to telephone lines getting jammed when the song first came out, which led to the rumor that telephone companies don’t give the number out or discontinued every 867-5309 out there. As you can see, I proved this wrong. The numbers are area codes.

The one about ‘getting a life’ really had to hit home for this guy.

Slice Of The Day: Kirsten Dunst

by on January 2, 2005 @ 6:01 am

Black Dragon sent in a nice shot of Spider Man 2 hottie Kirsten Dunst falling out of her top on some beach. Sharkey likee.

Well, I’ve sufficiently rocked Scotland, so it’s time to hop on a plane and take on Ireland. Hopefully it will be easier to get internet access over there, because this walking 10 blocks through the freezing cold just to check my email shit isn’t going to cut it.