Idle acres

by on @ 11:40 am

The Belles have posted two new songs to their MySpace page. The songs are from their forthcoming album on Second Nature entitled Misery Loves Industry.

The album is due out later this year. In the meantime, check out the two lovely acoustic-pop offerings from the band, which are the title track to the new record and “Clouds Over Stansted.”

CD Review: A Change of Pace – “An Offer You Can’t Refuse”

by on @ 11:20 am

I’m awfully happy that A Change of Pace is still in high school. I’m also happy that they’re from a small town like Peoria, AZ. This means that they have the potential to expand their musical borders, which are pretty small and confining at the moment.

This isn’t to say that A Change of Pace doesn’t have something to offer, as they do. The band is signed and is still in high school, which is pretty impressive considering they can actually play their instruments and write their own songs. Getting signed to a record deal while still in high school seemed to be the exclusive realm of jailbait girls for a good long while there.

Yes, the band has talent. Sadly, it’s talent that is both stuck in a rut and unfocused. I’m not sure how a band can manage to constrain themselves and yet be scattershot about the whole thing. The way it breaks down is this: A Change of Pace can’t decide whether they want to be a Further Seems Forever / Jimmy Eat World kind of poppy emo band or whether they want to be a Thrice / Thursday kind of screamy emo band. So they combine elements of both, without really commiting to one style or another.

Now, while they skew to the pop side (for the sake of radio play, one would assume), the forays into screamo seem a bit forced. Then, when one gets used to the screaming, the pop side seems pretty forced and out of place. They haven’t reached a combinant level that’s to their abilities yet. A Change of Pace needs to decide whether they want to be screamy and a bit pop, or poppy and a little bit screamy. Once they have that small decision out of the way, the band’s going to be set, and ready to go places.

You can download the leadoff single, “Loose Lips Sink Ships” from the band’s website and see what I mean. It’s a musically strong tune and is only lacking focus. A Change of Pace has the potential to break big in the next year, if they can figure out who they want their audience to be.

Immortal Records
A Change of Pace

Slice Of The Day: Emmanuelle Chriqui

by on January 28, 2005 @ 4:25 pm

If you’ve been watching (and drinking to) “The O.C.”, which you really fucking should be, then you would have noticed the latest lesbian addition to the show. If not, please allow me to introduce you (at Bolt’s request) to Emmanuelle Chriqui.

I bet she gets Chriqui... you know... cuz her name rhymes with 'freaky'... its.... yeah, i'll stop now.

I’m hoping for a lesbian three-way on next week’s episode. Of course, I’ve been wishing for that on my bed for years, and that still hasn’t happened. But I’m an optimist. …this week.

Lisa, I’d Like To Buy Your Rock

by on @ 1:02 pm

[ $300 Sticker Improves Your Mileage ]

The fuel disc is a quarter-size piece of plastic. Its promoter, OceanCity Network of Thousand Oaks, Calif., is advising its network of salespeople to stock up on the stickers.

They retail for $299 each but are discounted for people who persuade others to sell them. Upper-level members – one of whom is based in Boulder – have to buy a minimum of 10 SmogBusters for about $1,400.

“It’s clear that it’s just a sticker and nothing else,” Dane said.

If any ladies out there have purchased this, I’d like to get you in on the ground floor of my new business venture. My semen is an anti-aging cream. Come down to my office today, and try a free sample straight from the tap!

Holy Shit!

by on January 27, 2005 @ 5:36 pm

[ Karma Gets A Little Rough With This Guy ] (totally forgot to give props to Bongweasel for sending me this)

I guarantee, if you’re not squeamish, you will watch this again and again. If only to figure out what the fuck was happening. I’ll have to call you back, some serious shit just happened. (direct download)

His Superpower Is That He Knew John Lennon

by on @ 11:36 am

Captain Terror just let me know about Stan Lee’s next project. Apparently he’s decided to make an animated superhero project featuring Ringo Starr… as Ringo Starr, the superhero.

“Ringo is beloved worldwide for his commitment to people and his singular wit,” said Lee, the man responsible for the likes of Spider-Man and The Hulk. “Our Ringo Superhero character will combine these qualities, along with Ringo’s secret powers which people generally didn’t know about because he has kept them secret – until now.”Starr’s alter ego is described as an “evil-battling, Earth-saving – though reluctant – superhero with a great sense of rhythm.”

Captain Terror: Stan Lee has lost his mind.
Sharkey: ringo starr… as a superhero version of himself?
Captain Terror: I like the comment at the end about there is no word on what superpowers Starr has.
Sharkey: um… it would obviously be mind control, because there’s no other fucking way he’d get anyone to consider a stupid fucking idea like this.


by on @ 12:26 pm

So Bolt was talking to me about an article written by a gender traitor, in which the author (a man) describes why women are insane: men. Yeah, apparently estrogen has nothing to do with it. Women are nuts because we don’t put down the fucking toilet seat. Sounds to me like somebody needs to find his wife’s purse, pull his bits out of there, dust them off, and reattach them. Then, maybe he won’t have to beg for sex by writing articles like this.

Anyway, stupid article aside, I browsed to the main MSN site, and found this lil’ gif advertising for

Oh goody, so my potential soul mate is looking for a man with a spellchecker and the brain capacity necessary to undo the CAPS lock. Not only that, but she looks like somebody bashed her in the face with a hot iron. And hey, if things don’t work out, the ad says I can meet plenty more singles just like her! So if you’re looking for a stupid bitch with the face of an angel that’s been mauled by a bear, you’re in luck! Thank you,, for letting me know just how effective online dating can be.