
by on @ 12:14 pm

What with the server moves and stuff, I’ve been a busy son of a bitch this week. And I’m not even close to down with the BAMF server move, so my weekend looks action packed. Somebody point me towards the nearest gun store so I can pack my “action” with a round of hollow points.

Bitching aside, here’s a few links that I need to hip you to:

  • Solosier is back. It’s also his birthday, so go spank him.
  • Ramblings is back. Sort of.
  • NY Hotties is a site run by Alexa, who hit me up for a link last month and got hosed by my complete inability to take 45 seconds out of my day to update the left navigation of this site. Problem solved though, so go show her some love. Her stories are pretty funny.
  • Find me a girl who can appreciate this shirt and I’ll show you one of three things: an ugly girl, a blogger with some portion of a brain, or a combination of the previous two. Either way, I’m not opening my wallet to give her this.

Yikes. Better get some pie up here, fast. I’ve got a reputation to uphold.

The Incredible Jimmy Smith scoots on

by on February 9, 2005 @ 2:20 pm

Apparently Jimmy Smith – master of the B3 and the funkiest jazzman you’ve ever heard or will ever hear again – died last night. It’s the saddest news I’ve heard in a while. It was just a couple of months back that I mentioned to my jazz-nut friend that we should go on a pilgrimage to his hometown and meet him. If you haven’t heard the incredible Mr. Smith’s Root Down set, you haven’t lived.

The Esoteric posts advance new music

by on @ 2:20 pm

Kansas-based grindcore band The Esoteric (featuring members of Coalesce and Reggie & the Full Effect) have posted an advance track from their forthcoming new album. The track is called “Ram-Faced Boy” and is available for listening on their MySpace site and available for download exclusively at the Prosthetic Records website. The new album is entitled With the Sureness of Sleepwalking and is available in stores April 19.

Look for them to tour the West Coast with Node of Ranvier March 10-26 and to head out to the South and East with Remembering Never, the Acacia Strain and Since the Flood for all of April leading up to our appearance at the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival at the Palladium in Worcester, MA on Saturday, April 23.

For more info, check out their website or go here for a smapling of mp3s and live videos clips.

Mail Caaaaallllll!

by on @ 2:05 pm

From: Some Guy
Subject: for sale?


I’m seriously interested in buying “”Would you be interested in selling your domain so, what is your asking price?

Survey says:

From: Sharkey
Subject: Re: for sale?

$100,000 and two comely lasses of virtue true.

Haggle from there.


Same offer stands for the rest of you. But let me tell you something: those lasses better be as comely as they uh… come.

Now Macauley Culkin’s Gears Start Turning

by on @ 12:40 pm

Apparently coke can do a lot of things, but one feature of the drug that I had not previously been aware of is it’s ability to make you forget about being sexually abused by Michael Jackson. Thankfully for poor Corey Feldman, he cleaned up for just long enough to remember some “improper” things that happened to him at Neverland Ranch. Good timing, cocaine. Now, go introduce yourself to an Olsen twin.

In an exclusive interview, Feldman, now 33, speaks out with surprising new claims about his relationship with Jackson. The actor, known for his roles in “Gremlins,” “The Goonies” and “Stand by Me,” has stood by Jackson until now.

He tells Bashir why he is now coming forward with allegations about their friendship.

“I started looking at each piece of information, and with that came this sickening realization that there have been many occurrences in my life and in my relationship to Michael that have created a question of doubt.”

Yowzers, and just in time for Corey to plug his new stage version of Fatal Attraction. What are the odds?

CD Review: Various Artists – “Atticus… dragging the lake III”

by on February 7, 2005 @ 5:34 pm

Well, another year, another Atticus compilation. The clothing company owned by members of blink-182 is noted for not doing much more than putting out this annual comp and a bunch of t-shirts with the word “Atticus” on them. There’s usually a picture of a bird, too (ooh- Atticus Finch. How clever).

Anyhow, the comps usually collect an unreleased blink-182 track, some of the current bands on the SideOne Dummy roster, a selection of what the trend of the moment is (pop-punk on the first, screamo/hardcore for the second, and indie/emo for this new one) and a smattering of straight punk bands for cred.

They’re not neccesarily the best way to get new music you’ve never heard before. A lot of the tracks on …dragging the lake III are either off of already-released or soon-to-be-released records. The Street Dogs song is off their upcoming Back to the World, the Death Cab For Cutie track is from last year’s Transatlaticism, and the MxPx song is from their recently released dvd B-Movie, among others.

The Atticus series has a good bunch of tunes, which are great for the Hot Topic crowd, but may be a bit boring for those already “in the scene.” Still, they’re a great deal, as you can usually pick them up for as cheap as five bucks at places like the aforementioned Hot Topic, as well as Best Buy. Maybe not something you’d be itching to buy if you’ve already “discovered” the bands involved, but it makes a nice ready-made mix cd for road trips.

SideOne Dummy Records
Atticus Clothing

Marine Recruiter

by on February 4, 2005 @ 3:06 pm

So I’m doing work-study now that I’m moving past gaming sales and into a degree. It’s shit money, but since I can go there and do my homework, sit around and bullshit with people, and MAYBE do a few minutes’ worth of work an hour? It’s pretty easy money.

Anyway, one of the “regulars” that stops by our office is this Master Sergeant and he was talking about his brother who was on recruiting duty. They all know I’m ex-Navy so any time they get a story about the Navy they make sure I’m around to tell it. Anyway, he said his brother convinced this kid to join the Marines instead of the Navy solely on this kid’s name. His last name was Sample. The Marine recruiter asked him, “Do you really want to be known as ‘Seaman Sample’?” So yeah.