May I Tage Yoah Oder?

by on @ 11:13 am

Went to El Pollo Loco last night for a delicious burrito, and was quite pleased to find that my drive-thru teller was a Mexican midget. I was not so pleased to find that this drive-thru was the kind where the curb is inconveniently placed a bit too far from the window, causing you to grind your tires against the concrete so that you don’t have to take off your seatbelt in order to grab your change and food. Now imagine that with those stubby little midget arms.

It was really, really, really hard not to laugh when the little guy was dangling the majority of his body out that window.

CD Review: Kaddisfly – “Buy Our Intention; We’ll Buy You A Unicorn”

by on @ 11:08 am

When a press release says you’ll like a band if you like a laundry list of styles, that says to me one of two things: either the group is in fact quite ecelectic, or they just threw everything at the wall and hoped it would stick.

Kaddisfly falls somewhere in the middle. They seem to be grasping at straws at the opening of Buy Our Intention; We’ll Buy You A Unicorn, but slowly and surely, the album’s diverse mixture of styles begin to come together. The opening five tracks or so come awfully close to aping A Perfect Circle, but by the time “Let Weight Be Measured By Merit” kicks in, Kaddisfly is standing strong on both feet.

I never thought a group could actually pull together jazz and hardcore, but this works. Sure, bands have worked in jazz drumming (Refused, anyone?) by the score. But never has jazz guitar noodling and hardcore riffs flowed into one another. And this fucking works. I’ll admit, it took me about ten listens before the album clicked with me. Once it took hold, tho’… man… this works.

To be honest, this is NOT for everyone. Someone expecting something like Thrice (this is Hopeless, after all) is going to be sorely disappointed. But if you put Buy Our Intention into your cd player with an open mind and open ears, you’re going to be in for a treat. It’s punk, but it’s not three chords and a sneer. More like bebop with a smile.

Hopeless Records

The greatest games you will play today, guaranteed!

by on February 25, 2005 @ 6:49 pm

Porn-Pong is an adult, cartoon version of the game ‘Breakout’. I think the tarzan-like main character is a great role model for today’s youth. Shit, he can pleasure women in one thrust!

Nanaca Crash! is similar to the yeti sports game where you club the penguin. Except instead of a yeti there is an asian girl in a schoolgirl uniform, and instead of a penguin there is a guy who gets the shit beaten out of him by asian schoolgirls.

Steel Ball Da-Da-Da is another interesting asian game. If you suck at this game you will see a man get his day fucked up by a giant cannonball. If you can actually figure out the controls you will catch the cannonball and throw it at buildings knocking them to the ground. ( I’ll save you some time and frustration though. Press and hold ‘Spacebar’ to catch the ball. Tap ‘B’ and ‘N’ as fast as possible afterwards to build up power to throw it at the building )

I have wasted more time than I’d care to mention playing these games, but I simply enjoy watching that cannonball smash that guy in the face over and over.

CD Review: Armor For Sleep – “What To Do When You Are Dead”

by on @ 3:48 pm

Armor For Sleep’s sophomore album, What To Do When You Are Dead, picks up right where their debut ended. It’s a really warm-sounding record, as was Dream to Make Believe.

Armor For Sleep has this amazing ability to take what is by now average and somehow manage to turn it into gold. A lot of this has to do with that aforementioned warmth. The band makes records that are the musical equivalent of laying underneath a blanket while on your couch. It’s a very cozy, relaxed sort of feeling.

There are screams, to be sure, but they come off as more cathartic, rather than angry. Armor For Sleep may play a variation on post-hardcore screamy rock, but it’s a variation that’s all their own. There’s some serious melody in their songs, but they seem to be comfortable with it, rather than struggling to “stay hard” like so many other groups in their genre.

I’m also impressed with the little booklet that came with the cd. It’s not much bigger than a credit card, but is this nifty little booklet about preparing for the afterlife that is a nice takeoff of that manual from Beetlejuice. It fits perfectly with What To Do When You Are Dead‘s themes of life, death, and what lies beyond. It’s a minor thing, but shows a commitment to a totality of vision that so many other bands lack.

Equal Vision Records
Armor For Sleep

VJ may as well stand for virtual jockey

by on @ 2:18 pm

So, the new issue of Wired showed up in the mail today, and it’s all about the death of radio. Y’know, vis a vis XM, Sirius, and the ubiquitous iPod. All fun and good to read, but the really amazing bit came towards the end of the issue, in a story entitled “You, Too, Can Be A Podcaster.

The amazing bit? “Adam Curry’s show, ‘Daily Source Code‘ was the first ever podcast.”

Yes, that Adam Curry. The MTV vj. The first host of Headbanger’s Ball. The guy with the long hair pretty boy look. And it seems he’s started a revolution. A minor one, yes, but it makes running a WinAmp ShoutCast stream look like small potatos.

He’s Bad. He’s Bad. You Know It.

by on @ 10:40 am

*slaps forehead*

[ Heart Attack Victim Moved For Michael Jackson, Dies. ]

A woman who had suffered a massive heart attack died after hospital personnel moved her out of a trauma room to accommodate a flu-stricken Michael Jackson, the patient’s family said.

The larger room was kept for Jackson, the family says. Hospital records show Jackson, 46, told emergency room staff he had severe abdominal pain. His body temperature, 96.9 degrees, was below normal and he had tears in his eyes. The initial emergency room report said he could go home anytime.

There was no doubt Jackson was sick — as a doctor assured the judge presiding over his trial — but how sick? Ruiz’s daughter-in-law says she watched as Jackson entered the emergency room.

“He walked in,” Anna Ruiz said. “When I saw him, he was walking unassisted.”

Honest to God, the news is becoming the new reality television. Yes, real people are involved. Yes, real situations are occurring to these people. But somewhere, someone is scripting this shit. The man cannot stay out of the negative light of the cameras for more than 24 hours, it’s like a physical impossibility.