Happy Unbirfday

by on February 13, 2006 @ 5:33 pm

Shed a tear for your old friend Bolt, because that poor bastard has slipped over the hill and is now careening towards his inevitable death. 30 friend, it’s the first day of the end of your existence. I mourn you.

Slice Of The Day: Sharon Stone

by on @ 11:52 am

That Basic Instinct 2 trailer from last week was unnervingly fappable. It’s like you can hear the individual grains of sand hitting the bottom of that hourglass. Time to enjoy Sharon Stone while she’s still a MILF, which won’t be much longer.

I get to go up to USC today to give a little seminar/training thing to a bunch of people who barely speak English. Ooooh baby, this is going to be fun, especially when I slip up and say “use your mouse to point and crick here.”

Damned Ninja-Endo!

by on February 11, 2006 @ 2:17 pm

The Adventures Of Atari

Watch Atari fight the evil forces of Ninja-Endo as they pave the way for the future of gaming in 1989. Oh if only the brave Atari and his flowing mane of golden locks had been stronger, perhaps we’d have 3D conversions of his company’s games rather than Mario titles. You know, modern-day updates of Pac-Man, Frogger, Pitfall and the like…

Yeah, even so, it’s a shame the faggot (which meant something different to me in ’89) couldn’t hold his own. Felled by the nefarious villain Bankruptcy and his band of evil litigators.

Ooh, sweet update from NHDJ1.

Slice Of The Day: Emmanuelle Vaugier

by on @ 12:35 pm

Holy hot damn, Emmanuelle Vaugier is looking incredible in the latest issue of Maxim. Almost makes me want to watch her show, “Two & a Half Men.” And by “watch her show” I mean “take pictures of her while she sleeps.”

Same difference.

I thought I recognized her. She’s the hot tramp that takes her top off in 40 Days & 40 Nights. Only thing that made that pile of shit worthwhile.

Swing. Your. Arms… From Side To Side…

by on February 9, 2006 @ 5:17 pm


Mark Your Calendars

by on February 8, 2006 @ 4:44 pm

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The newest game in the Katamari Damacy series, Me & My Katamari, will be released for the PSP on March 21st. As a rabid Katamari Damacy fan I am eagerly anticipating this game, and it just might be the game that forces me to update my PSP firmware. This is just a heads-up, as I don’t want any of you to be confused when you see a lot of nerds out in public after March 21st staring at their PSPs with huge smiles on their faces. While they may be looking at porn, they are more likely to be rolling up small children into their katamari of death.

Children Of The Revolution

by on @ 4:36 pm

Nintendo Revolution’s Ass Exposed

Pics Of New Nintendo DS Lite

The new DS doesn’t really tickle my fancy (yes ladies, I have a fancy!) but that Revolution book… man I want one of those more than I want the console itself. That’s the raddest coffee table book I’ve ever seen, and it’s just a piece of marketing fluff. Those little slanty eyed bastards should put out a bunch of shiny books with Miyamoto’s notes and a bunch of sketches and then sell them to nostalgic fanboys with disposable income… like me.

Erasing any dounts that I am a pop culture whore

by on @ 3:23 pm

Tonight, provided the wife and I get back from parent-teacher conferences in a reasonable amount of time, I’ll be watching the Grammy Awards. Yes, all the press has finally gotten to me. All of the articles hyping the event convinced me that it might be worth taking a peek.

Granted, I could watch all of the highlights on YouTube after work tomorrow and save myself three or four hours of boredom interspliced with five minute bursts of interest. But that Madonna / Gorillaz pairing with the holograms is just too juicy to pass up. The fact that they’re having the Material Girl open the show, even with no nominations to her name means that it’s gonna be something pretty fucking big.

Kanye West doing “Gold Digger” live with Jamie Foxx sounds pretty slick, too. The U2 / Mary J. Blige thing I could care less about, as well as Mariah Carey with a gospel choir. And the Jay-Z / Linkin Park combo? Seriously, Collision Course came out in 2004. Let it go.

I’d live-blog the whole thing, but I’m sure Stereogum and a slew of other blogs’ll be doing it. Plus, I have work at 4:30 tomorrow morning. If I make it until 9, I’ll be lucky. And switching over to watch South Park and Drawn Together if I’m still up.

A sampling of the nominees
Record of the Year
Green Day – “Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Gorillaz – “Feel Good Inc.

Song of the Year
Mariah Carey – “We Belong Together
John Legend – “Ordinary People