I bet he spanked it to them before

by on July 7, 2009 @ 8:16 am

he put them up for sale.

A teenage boy who tried to sell naked photos of his mother online was praised by her and given more pictures to sell.

Michael, an 18-year-old from New Zealand, was ordered to clear out the garage by his mother Jennifer, 44.

But while sulking and cleaning he came across some “artistic” photos of his mother. But instead of recoiling and burning them he posted them on online trading site TradeMe with the title, “5 naked photos of my mum”.

If his actions weren’t strange enough when Jennifer found out she didn’t castigate him or scold him, she gave him some more pics to sell.

“He was quite naughty … I thought ‘you cheeky little git’, but at least he’d been a bit creative about it,” said Jennifer.

But the money-making scheme was foiled when TradeMe pulled the auction, much to the chagrin of Jennifer.

“I wanted 50 per cent of the sale, but more than that I miss the nice comments.”

Of course no pix or it didn’t happen. Oh wait.


Don’t be stingaayyy!

by on April 29, 2009 @ 1:30 pm

Can’t link directly to the video, but McDonald’s one-ups the Popeyes and KFC madness of late with launching not only a site dedicated to black people and their love of McNuggets, but Kieth Sweat makes a special apperance to sing a love song for the McNugget 25th Anniversery.

Everyone knows I’m keen on love songs, so it was a perfect fit for me to write a love song for the 25th anniversary of Chicken McNuggets. I was honored to have the opportunity to share some of my creative talent with McDonald’s. It was great working with them on this project – I’ve grown up with McDonald’s and was happy to be a part of it.

Hahahaha. Dude must owe some serious cash to someone. Man I’m lovin it.

In keeping with the Zombie tradition

by on April 13, 2009 @ 10:42 am

CNN puts out possibly one of the best headlines this year:

Woody Harrelson claims he mistook photographer for zombie

I wrapped a movie called ‘Zombieland,’ in which I was constantly under assault by zombies, then flew to New York, still very much in character,” Harrelson said in a statement issued Friday by his publicist.

“With my daughter at the airport I was startled by a paparazzo, who I quite understandably mistook for a zombie,” he said.

Yeah I have that problem too, mistaking the living for Zombies. Really, since it’s Woody Harrelson, you really are not that shocked are you? But come on, this isn’t the Dark Knight and Woody isn’t playing the Joker.

Mother nature has a wicked sense of humor

by on March 11, 2009 @ 1:10 pm

I couldn’t help myself with this one.

Bobby Turly – aka Main Beach’s “Parrot Guy” – tells droves of tourists and other passers-by that they’re welcome to gaze at his colorful collection of parrots – on one condition.

“The only charge,” he beams repeatedly, “is leaving with a smile.”

And indeed, group by group, they smile – a family from Canada, another from Kentucky, some from as far away as France.

How sweet, of course that is until

It’s been only two weeks since a hawk swooped down and violently killed Banana as Turly was wrapping up his demonstrations for the afternoon. While still a bit sheepish about the extent of his grief, he admits he’s far from over losing what he called “one of his children.”…

“I saw it swoop in, and it was so fast I didn’t even see it had gotten anything,” she said. “Then it crashed into a window over by the cafe and dropped (Banana).”

“It was absolutely horrible,” said fellow witness Michael Walker of Corona del Mar. “It was like something you’d see on the nature channel.”

Man mother nature’s a bitch.

You’re doing it wrong

by on @ 12:27 pm

Seriously wtf.

Maryland State Police airlifted the 27-year-old woman to Prince George’s County Hospital Center early Sunday morning after she was injured in an incident involving a sex toy attached to a saber saw blade, TheBayNet.com first reported.

The man who called 911 about the incident admitted attaching the sex toy to the saw and then using the high-powered, homemade device on his partner, according to the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office.

The saw cut through the plastic toy and wounded the woman, according to TheBayNet.com. The injuries were severe enough for medevac, but the woman was released from the hospital Monday and is recovering from her unusual injuries.

Lets hope it renders her incapable of breeding.