Crackdown Review By Bongweasel

by on January 20, 2007 @ 5:28 am

[02:11] Sharkey: are youi going to fucking tell me that crackdown gets better every time you play it
[02:12] Bongweasel: no i am not
[02:12] Sharkey: =(
[02:12] Sharkey: i want to leap fuckikng buildings and throw cars with glee
[02:12] Bongweasel: well you can do that
[02:13] Sharkey: at this point i could probably harm your average human, but id go to jail
[02:13] Sharkey: and it wouldnt be for throwing a car at em
[02:13] Bongweasel: but it’s going to take you a long fucking time to upgrade your skills to get to the fun
[02:13] Sharkey: ok but once i get there, is it fun
[02:13] Bongweasel: kinda
[02:14] Bongweasel: it’s fun to jump up to rooftops and leap around town
[02:14] Bongweasel: i haven’t upgraded my strength enough to pick up a car, but that might be entertaining a few times
[02:14] Bongweasel: you can pick up various other objects and throw them. it’s ok
[02:16] Sharkey: is that why you havent posted about it on bamf, or is it the laziness
[02:16] Bongweasel: a little from Column A and a little from Column B
[02:18] Sharkey: is it wrong that i asked that question expecting that exact response verbatim
[02:18] Bongweasel: i think it might be wrong if you didn’t

Michael Vick Don’t Kiss…

by on January 18, 2007 @ 10:59 pm

Michael Vick Caught At Airport With Mary Jane

FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. — For the second time in three months, Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick is making headlines for all the wrong reasons.

Vick reluctantly surrendered a water bottle to security at Miami International Airport that smelled like marijuana and contained a substance in a hidden compartment. He was not arrested and was allowed to board an AirTran flight that landed in Atlanta before noon Wednesday.

Sweet mother of God, you’ve got the money to have it fucking FedExed to yourself overnight, even ahead of time. God only knows, your agent can handle getting some underling to buy it, strap it to himself, and drive to wherever the fuck you’re going two days ahead of time, just so you can have it in the limo on the way back from the airport. Are you seriously telling me that you can’t just have this accomplished for you, rather than risking your image and potential legal problems just to smuggle a little bit of pot onto a plane?

Someone’s been sacked a few too many times.

Nobody Steps On A Church In My Town!

by on @ 8:02 pm

Q&A On The Ghostbusters Game (thanks Squirrel Dave)

Basically these guys have developed an amazingly cool lookin’ Ghostbusters game that a Slovenia-based company called ZootFly is developing for various platforms, such as the 360. They are currently having a bit of trouble with the intellectual property holders, but they hoped to solve that by releasing some video of the game in action on Youtube. Thus far, everyone’s been positive about the whole thing. And based on this video, I can see why.

There’s no way that they’ll lock this thing up in development Hell over the IP. The rights holders would be pissing money away if they didn’t let this thing come to fruition.

Lindsay Lohan Is A Quitter

by on @ 5:20 am

Straight from the “Wow, I didn’t fucking see that one coming” department, it appears that Lindsay Lohan has decided to check herself into rehab.


Lindsay Lohan has checked into rehab. “I have made a proactive decision to take care of my personal health. I appreciate your well wishes and ask that you please respect my privacy at this time,” said the 20-year-old actress in a statement issued Wednesday through her publicist, Leslie Sloane Zelnick.

Ha! Respect her privacy… please. Ten bucks says she takes time out of her busy rehab activities schedule to appear pantyless on the raquetball court.

Up And Running

by on January 17, 2007 @ 8:24 pm

Good mother of God, that was a pain in the ass. But we’re now up and running on the new system.

 I kind of want to throw up now. But I think I’ll play Fight Night for a few minutes and forget about all of this for a bit.


by on @ 3:55 pm

Just so you all know, this FAQ is really old. I made it like four years ago, so the info’s a little outdated, and it ain’t even finished. This’ll make due until I actually finish it. Enjoy

— Sharkey

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are you? 

I am Sharkey, and I run this monkey show. That’s pretty much all you
need to know. If you want to learn more about me or anyone on staff, read the staff page.

Where do you live?

I live in Orange County, CA. Where the chicks are hot and video game companies are
abundant. So do Mr. Mabs, Bud, and Mox. Wags would too, if he hadn’t gotten himself
shipped off to BFE.

What do you use to update this site?

I use News Publisher. It kicks ass.

Will you link to my site?

Probably not. Don’t take it personally, but have you seen
the list of sites over at Hear Ye? Jeezum Crow, I remember when there was just one. But
hey, there is a possibility that I’ll like your site and add it to the list. But don’t
count on it, you’d better entertain the bejeezus out of me.

You put my site in the links section, can you put it on
the main page?

Again, probably not. There’s a reason I have two sets of links. The links page is for
sites that I enjoy, and would like to refer other people to. The main page is my personal
bookmark section. I only put sites up there if I visit them every day. So if you want to
go there, make your site kick mucho ass.

Why don’t you answer my e-mails?

Because I’m an asshole. Well, not really. Between work, this
site, and my personal accounts, I get a shitload of e-mail. Sometimes I don’t answer
because I forget or because I don’t feel an answer is necessary for every e-mail, yadda
yadda yadda. I’ve been a lot better at answering e-mails lately though, so you might want
to give it another try.

Do you have ICQ or AIM? Can I have the number?

Yes I do. And I’ll probably give you the number. I’m not on much though, so there’s not
much use.

Where did "The Drifter" go?

Well, I don’t really have the time to do "The Drifter" right now. I’ve got
the story all done, and I did a butt-load of work on it, but unfortunately I just don’t
have the time to do it. It’s sad, because I really like the comic, and I think other
people would too. Maybe later I’ll finish it up.


The Fifth

by on January 16, 2007 @ 6:49 pm

I haven’t been ignoring you, my e-concubines. Far from it. I’ve actually been doing a lot of behind the scenes bamf stuff to make this place potentially awesome in ways that weren’t possible before. They’re fairly time consuming though, so GET OFF MY BACK!

*ahem*… I did want to leave you guys with a little bit of wisdom though. After I got some work done yesterday, the little woman and I went down to the beach to grab some lunch. There’s this Ruby’s Diner on the Balboa pier, and it was packed as all Hell. Fortunately (debatable) they have an upstairs dining area, open to the elements but quite nice from an aesthetic standpoint. Let me give you a few little tips about dining on the roof of a building, on a pier, which has no overhead protection:

  1. Don’t order a Blue-cheese anything. Every time you take a look at the view, then go back for a bite, you’ll notice the seagulls flying overhead… and wonder.
  2. Don’t order ranch for your fries. Every time you take a look at the view, then go back for a bite, you’ll notice the seagulls flying overhead… and wonder.
  3. Cold as it may be, don’t order a hot chocolate with whipped cream. Every time you take a look at the view, then go back to quench your thirst, you’ll notice the seagulls flying overhead… and wonder.
  4. Ask for a lid for your water. Every time you take a look at the view, then go back for a sip, you’ll notice the seagulls flying overhead… and wonder.

This has been “Tips For Better Living” with your host, Sharkey. Tune in next week for do’s and don’ts of a multiracial threesome.