this ain’t no Japanese box with a microphone

by on @ 2:51 pm

I am a desk jockey- for the most part. I sit at my desk and my comfort in the rat race of white collars are my speakers. They bring me my soothing tunes and angry tunes and happy tunes. Don’t know bout you ass clowns but I have to have music. HAVE to. Well what really chaps my hide is when the fuckfaced goon next to you decides it karaoke time. Busting out singing along and completely out of tune. MY music coming out of MY speakers at a fairly low volume does not need to be sung completely off key. Who the fuck do they think they are? No one here is shitfaced, ok, granted Im a little stoned but that is all the more reason why some jerk off shouldn’t sing to my music. Who’s it sung by bitch? Red Hot Chili Peppers not a douche ass clown.


by on @ 12:29 am

Nobody Puts Baby In An Oven!

by on January 22, 2007 @ 6:27 pm

The story is pretty fucked up, but I only posted it so I could use that title.

A woman was charged with aggravated child abuse for putting her baby in an oven, turning it on and leaving her apartment after fighting with her boyfriend, police said.

The oven had not gotten hot enough to burn the child, whose age was not immediately available.

At least she’s efficient, as Indian folk are known to be. If you’re not going to keep the baby, you may as well put it to good use.

Slice Of The Day Showdown: Jessica Biel Vs. Mena Suvari

by on @ 6:22 pm

So who wins today? We’ve got two sets of sunbathing starlets (oooh, alliteration!) so they’re both going to be your slice of the day. But who’s set of pics reigns supreme today? Is it Mena Suvari, with her toplessness? Or is it Jessica Biel and her ass of excellence? Choose, but choose wisely. For while the true slice gives life… the false one… will take it from you.

Mena Suvari ToplessJessica Biel's Perfect Ass

Just like in Willow, the true answer is yourself. Go forth and spread the word, Peck.

*Give the SOTD server a minute. I dunno what they’re doing wrong over there, but its annoying to me too.