I Miss Rampant Queer Jokes

by on February 26, 2007 @ 11:39 am

I turned on the TV earlier to check what shows the DVR picked up last night, and Police Academy was on. I haven’t seen this flick since I was a kid, a time when I still found Michael Winslow’s noises funny. I hadn’t planned on watching it ever again, but I felt compelled to give it a few minutes after Steve Guttenberg casually stated that “sleep is for fags.” About five minutes later, one of the “bad” cracker cops called the mousy black chick a “stupid fat jigaboo.”

I think I should own this on DVD.

Best Buy Discounts Galore

by on February 25, 2007 @ 9:20 pm

If you’re in the vicinity of a Best Buy tomorrow morning, you might want to stop in a grab a few games. Seems that they’re going to be slashing the bejeezus out of old game prices, for every console besides the Wii and PS3. Most of them are going for $1.99, with a few higher end titles going from $5-$10. Hit the link for the very very long list of bargains. Here’s a few highlights that caught my eye:

  1. $1.99 GAMECUBE – Legend of Zelda Four Swords Adventures
    It’s Zelda for a buck ninety nine. Don’t be a fucking retard, just buy it.

  2. $1.99 GAMECUBE – Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker

  3. $1.99 DS – Advance Wars
    If you own a DS, you must own this. I command it.

  4. $1.99 Xbox 360 – King Kong
    Yeah… I’m sort of kidding. The game may have sucked, but I’ve heard that it’s an easy 1000 points towards that Old Spice Challenge on XBL. Plus for a couple of bucks, you can have a game that is potentially really fun to mock while drunk or stoned.

  5. $4.99 Xbox – The Warriors
    Well worth your five bucks if you’ve got a friend to play through it with. Although I heard there was a very decent PSP port with good multiplayer as well.

TMNT - XBLAThere’s a lot of other great stuff in there that I didn’t mention, like the GTA’s, Castlevanias, and Beyond Good & Evil. This sale had better not be a bunch of bullshit, or I’m going to punch one of those tubby yellow shirted fuckstains in the kidneys until his pee turns red. I want Me and My Katamari for the PSP for five bucks, damn it, and I’m going to get it.

Also, for all of you 360 owners, Bongweasel let me know that the oldschool arcade port of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles showed up on PartnerNet (the developer’s very rad version of XBL, damn them) with a very odd frontend, but the same excellent action and online multiplayer. Let’s just hope that they bring this damned thing to regular XBLA users.

And if you’re waiting in anxious anticipation for the Halo 3 Beta to open up like I am, you’ll want to see all of the slick new leaked stuff that has been trickling onto the web. It looks a lot better than the last batch of fuzzy leaked screens. Time to finish up Crackdown post haste, methinks.

Antonella Barba Weekend Slice

by on February 24, 2007 @ 9:46 am

I admit that I watched the first round of “American Idol” as I am quite entertained by people making asses out of themselves, intentionally or not. One girl that caught a few eyes was the Jersey-raised Antonella Barba. She had a great voice, a hot ass, and was light years better than her best friend who would inevitably be forced off the show in one of those hilarious tear-jerker moments.

Then lil’ Antonella surprised us. My cousin will be quite pleased about the latest flurry of photos that have been circulating the Interspace.

Antonella Barba Blowjob See-thru

Along with these blowjob and titty pics, there is allegedly a nude calendar that she made for an ex boyfriend that will soon be gracing our eyes. Gotta love those trashy Jersey chicks. Just like trashy chicks everywhere else.

Ocarina Of Time, Neo Geo For Wii Virtual Console

by on @ 8:55 am

ZELDAAAAAGodammit, we just hooked up the 360 to XBOX Live (and obtained Crackdown), and now Nintendo just has to remind me that I’ve neglected the Wii for 48 hours by releasing more VC news. Apparently Japan is getting the MSX and Neo Geo consoles, as well as a couple of games, Eggy and Aleste. (Gimme SSII and Windjammers) Hopefully Nintendo will get on VC game developers to finally bring some online multiplayer to the virtual console, so I have an actual reason to re-purchase Mario Kart 64.

Oh, and there’s a little kick in the pants to US owners in the article as well:

And in other Virtual Console news, Nintendo’s updated the service with “Warp Zone,” which contains trivia knowledge on the games featured. Simply click on the clearly sadistic smiley face on the main menu to investigate.

Yeah, great, sounds wonderful. Except the fact that we don’t have it in the US… yet. Fucking limey pricks.

Oh and Ocarina of Time is coming to the virtual console on Monday at 9AM PST. If I didn’t already own the N64 and ‘Cube versions of it, I might be inclined to beat it again.

Slice Of The Day: Jennylee Burns

by on @ 12:25 am

Tomorrow night we’ve got some ladies coming over to watch the final episode of this season of “Beauty and the Geek.” While some of these girls are hot, I must concede the fact that they do consist of my girlfriend and her friends, who will occupy my couch while the rest of us drink ourselves stupid at the bar and try to forget the cackling that goes on in the living room. Thankfully, the show has chicks like Jennylee Berns… who was hot and stupid and succeptible to nerd charms. My favorite attributes, minutes unconscious, all rolled into one.

Jennylee Berns Nude

I’m quite sure that Ashton Kutcher has that whole show scripted and set up from the start… which makes me really mad when you consider the fact that Cecille was allowed on that show. If you’re going to make a chick the villain, make her hot. please.