Britney Spears Branches Out Into Comedy

by on July 5, 2007 @ 10:49 pm

That’s really the only explanation for her latest blog post:

I apologize to the pap for a stunt that was done 4 months ago regarding an umbrella. I was preparing my character for a role in a movie where the husband never plays his part so they switch places accidentally. I take all my roles very seriously and got a little carried away. Unfortunately I didn’t get the part.

What makes it even better is knowing that Britney must have done the initial post on her own, as she left in a few hillbilly-identifying misspellings amidst her lies and vacant apologies.

So considering the fact that Ms Spears-Federline-Alexander is a method actor, much like her contemporaries Brando and Deniro, one must wonder if she’s currently studying for a role as a fat, washed-up coke whore. If so, this is going to be one fan-fucking-tastic flick.

Slice Of The Day: Megan Fox

by on @ 10:25 pm

There’s not much one can say about Megan Fox, other than “she’s a stone cold… uh… sex panther. yeah, that’s it.” Honestly, I’m usually too hard to say anything, what with the blood loss and all.

Megan Fox in FHMMegan Fox has a sexy assMegan Fox Nude

For those of you living in a cave without internet access, television, or fully functioning private parts, Megan here is the smokin’ hot babe in Transformers. Go ahead and check out Megan’s full gallery over at SOTD.

Kurt Loder is a journalist

by on July 2, 2007 @ 1:26 pm

Really, no shit he is. I was downright stunned after I read his review of Fatburger Customer of the Month, Michael Moore’s latest propaganda film Sicko.

Unfortunately, Moore is also a con man of a very brazen sort, and never more so than in this film. His cherry-picked facts, manipulative interviews (with lingering close-ups of distraught people breaking down in tears) and blithe assertions (how does he know 18,000* people will die this year because they have no health insurance?) are so stacked that you can feel his whole argument sliding sideways as the picture unspools. The American health-care system is in urgent need of reform, no question. Some 47 million people are uninsured (although many are only temporarily so, being either in-between jobs or young enough not to feel a pressing need to buy health insurance). There are a number of proposals as to what might be done to correct this situation. Moore has no use for any of them, save one.

As a proud socialist, the director appears to feel that there are few problems in life that can’t be solved by government regulation (that would be the same government that’s already given us the U.S. Postal Service and the Department of Motor Vehicles). In the case of health care, though, Americans have never been keen on socialized medicine. In 1993, when one of Moore’s heroes, Hillary Clinton (he actually blurts out the word “sexy!” in describing her in the movie), tried to create a government-controlled health care system, her failed attempt to do so helped deliver the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives into Republican control for the next dozen years. Moore still looks upon Clinton’s plan as a grand idea, one that Americans, being not very bright, unwisely rejected. (He may be having second thoughts about Hillary herself, though: In the movie he heavily emphasizes the fact that, among politicians, she accepts the second-largest amount of political money from the health care industry.)


Did Chris Benoit Kill His Family?

by on June 26, 2007 @ 6:43 am

Chris Benoit and his family were found dead at their home in Fayetteville, Georgia. That’s pretty tragic. I actually saw that guy wrestle one time, at the one and only wrestling match that I’ve ever attended.

Investigators have not disclosed exactly how the three died. But Fayette County District Attorney Scott Ballard said investigators were not seeking any suspects outside the home where Benoit apparently took his own life after killing his wife and son.

“We’re viewing it at the moment as a murder-suicide,” Ballard told CNN.

“We aren’t foreclosing the possibility that it might be a triple murder but our belief at the present time is that there is no killer at large,” he added.

Benoit’s employer, World Wrestling Entertainment, said in a statement on its Web site that he canceled two events in Texas over the weekend, citing an undisclosed family emergency.

It took sifting through the first five articles on Google News before I could find one that didn’t use the word “bizarre” about fifteen times throughout its body.

My cousin will be devastated if this is all true. Though he admits is a “reformed” WWF/E fanatic, he can still be found watching the latest episodes every week when he thinks nobody is around.


by on @ 12:07 am

I had always heard that the bigger changes in life have a habit of blindsiding you. Never before has this been illustrated for me than right this moment, watching late-night television. Lindsay Wagner came on the ol’ TV to hock some of those fancy foamy mattresses, and after a few seconds I started to realize that I had no fucking clue what show Lindsay Wagner was on from my childhood. I know her face, I know her name, but the only other fact I know for certain is that her only purpose on the tube over the last fifteen years has been to shove shit that I don’t give a shitting shit about down my throat. ….which I hope was enough double-negatives to keep my tonsils clean.

It must really chap her ass that she gets most of her airtime at the hour where I actually get too tired to search for skinemax porn, yet Paris Hilton gets a spot on Larry King to discuss her non-visit to non-jail.

BTW, If there was some non-lesbian sex going on behind those bars, you have full permission to wake me up. Please address any smarty-pants retorts about Lindsay Wagner’s legacy towards the nearest brick wall.


by on June 24, 2007 @ 7:33 am

I couldn’t let a Peaches’ post remain at the top of this site for much longer. Especially one where she gripes about ordering a TV online. I mean cmon, I’d buy them tits online long before I let those greasy Amazon fucks touch my television. Especially not after I ordered Tiger Woods for the Wii from them, and they sent me the DS version. That wouldn’t be so bad, if they hadn’t broken down their “product shipping process” to me. I had asked why, if my order clearly said “Wii”, that the shipping department would be able to mistakenly throw in a DS cart, as they’ve clearly seen the difference while working there. The customer service rep replied “oh I wouldn’t think so, they just walk up to whatever drum has that name on it, yank out your item and then throw it in a box.” This procedure definitely turned me off from buying any of the higher ticket items.

This new Simpsons trailer can now enrich the top spot.

I don’t really have anything to say in closing here, so why don’t you just remember something funny I might’ve said like four years ago, and pretend that I said it right now. Make it really a really funny one though, if you would. I’ve been feeling a bit self conscious lately, and could use the kudos.

weak sauce

by on June 19, 2007 @ 3:59 pm

I am mutha fucking pissed. So I order a TV online. WRONG thing to fricken do. Take my time from work to receive it from the freight carriers, get the puppy halfway mounted and cable guys out to hook it up and what happens???? A fucking line right down the fucking middle of the screen. Alright the, contact Amazon and email them like they say. Said I want a refund and you can have this picked up. Civil, polite and short. Nooo get an email back asking me to contact the manufacturer to see if they can fix it or trouble shoot…
At first I was like- These people are great! Now they can lick my asshole after eating spicey greasy cheap pizza. So I call Sharp, they ask me to email a picture of the problem, done while I was on the phone with them. They say they’ll contact me within 48 hours to figure out the best approach after talking to the tech guys. No call back and I was busy for a week so no sweat off my sack. I call back asking what the deal was since no one called.
They tell me they have it in their notes that someone did try and call me for pics… I tell them I sent them in when I was on the phone with them a week ago. Oh hey, look at that… they DID have the pics. Well shit howdy! I get the we’ll contact a service technician in your area and have them contact you for a time to schedule coming out. Day goes by no call. Next day I call Sharp again, still being polite and impatient.

Hi There! Haven’t heard from you guys, was wondering why a service tech hasn’t called to set up the appt.
Oh let’s look in your file, yup yup, we didn’t get the pics…oh wait yeah we did. Let me transfer you. Hold please.

Well holy shit I’m getting a little miffed to say the least. A service tech will call you, I tried calling but they’re not open yet. Here’s the number for you to follow up with them if you don’t get a call. Fucking lovely customer service you cock gobblers.

On to the next day- no call so I call the techs. Who… guess what!?!? Haven’t gotten the work order!! Back to Sharp.. they haven’t gotten a work order, get it there. Hold please.

Im about to flip myh lid when the lady gets back on the phone and says she had the head tech guy look at the pictures and he says it’ll take blah blah part to fix it and they’re gonna overnite it so I can have it fixed right away.

Well kids, that was last Friday. It’s Tuesday and I had made an appt for then tech people to come out today from 4-6. Guess what call I got leaving work to get home in time? BINGO! Your part isn’t here, we’ll call tomorrow to find out where it is.

I called Sharp cuz it wasn’t the little asian lady with the thick accent I couldn’t really understand english’s fault. And wouldn’t ya know it, that particular department had left for the day already. Poor Nick got an aggravated Peach.

Here comes the obvious questions to Nick, Mr. Customer Service.

“Do your parts usually take this long?
Is your company’s customer service always this lacking? What would you do if you were me? Perhaps demand a refund from Amazon? So maybe I could get a TV that works properly? Would you think that paying over 2 grand on a TV you’d get some customer service help?”
“Im sorry Ma’am, I unfortunately can’t answer those questions but no we don’t usually back order these parts. Is there anything I can help you with?”

GEE! Maybe by getting my TV FIXED?!?!?! But I wasn’t gonna yell at this kid, the sarcastic ass questions were bad enough.

“Nope, I’ll just call Amazon and deal with them now. DICK” *click*
Dear Amazon-
Hello- I had a damaged good when it arrived and had asked for a refund. You had sent an email asking me to contact the manufacturer. They have been no help and Im fed up. Please either refund my money and pick this junk up or get Sharp to fix this before I break it beyond repair. You’d think I could get some real customer service for buying something over 2 grand.

Short story long, fuck Sharp.

An American Hero, Gone

by on June 13, 2007 @ 10:26 am

I’m sorry to say, but Mr. Wizard passed away. Though he hasn’t taught me a lesson in nearly two decades, I still remember many of them fondly. For instance, that one where he tied the bowling ball to a swingset, held it up to the kid’s chin, and let go. That simple demonstration of gravity helped me dupe dozens… dozens of other kids on the playground as a child.

Young Acquaintance: “I dunno about this…”
Young Sharkey: “It’s ok, just hold Billy’s feet up to your face, let go, and when he swings back they’ll just barely miss your mouth. It’ll be so radical!”
Young Acquaintance: “OK, here goes!”
Young Sharkey: *swiftly pushes acquaintance forward*

Watch and remember.