It’s Like WoW, With More Urine

by on December 13, 2007 @ 9:33 am

WolfquestI was turned on to WolfQuest by Bongweasel yesterday, and I found myself compelled to share the preview video with you. For those of you who are woefully uninformed, allow me to enlighten you on the world of Wolfquest. And by me, I mean the Wolfquest website by way of the mighty copy/paste functions.

WolfQuest is 3D wildlife simulation game. Players join a wolf pack made up of friends or computer-controlled wolves and, through trial and error, instinct, and experience, learn to maximize both individual and pack survival. Each player discovers how to compete or cooperate, challenge or submit, and defend or attack during complex interactions within the pack. Players find they must balance individual and pack needs in order to increase their collective ability to hunt, defend territory, avoid danger, and protect their young.

OK, now that I’ve bored you with that, go watch the fucking video. I especially love how ambiguous the ending is, with the kid either staring at his beloved dachshund as a pack brother or as his next meal. Either way, I think pee is going to be involved.

Buy Wolfquest for a child you hate this Christmas!

Revolting Film

by on December 4, 2007 @ 10:57 am

I decided to browse C.D. Payne’s website this morning to see if he had any new books on the horizon, and found this interesting piece of information about Youth In Revolt:

Youth In Revolt Movie

This book has been optioned by Dimension Films (the Weinsteins’ new company). Michael Cera (“Superbad”) has been cast as Nick. No director has been named. Filming is expected to commence in spring 2008.

Oh sweet mother of mercy, that’s maybe the best news I’ve heard all year. And according to IMDB, it’s true. And despite being about five or six years too old for the part, Michael Cera could really do an amazing job. Hopefully he can pull off a mildly elitist attitude along with that awkward charm that makes Michael Cera so fucking awesome.

And if you haven’t read the book, do it now. I’ve read more books than I care to remember and this is the number one, absolute must read in my opinion. Plus this way when the movie comes out, you’ll be able to enjoy the parts that they were able to include. And considering the fact that the book is almost 1000 pages, you’ll be able to frown at the many many many parts that they had to omit.

Slice Of The Day: Hayden Panettiere

by on November 21, 2007 @ 1:11 pm

I figured I’d follow up the dismembered chicks with a chick who could actually survive a landmine blast, regrow the limb, and still be hotter than any of the other contestants. Actually, there were just some new Hayden Panettiere pictures uploaded over at SOTD, and it was just an excellently sardonic coincidence. Enjoy.

hayden panettiere bikini

Apparently these photos are from GQ Magazine’s spread on Hayden, naming her “Obsession of the Year.” Which is really just magazine-speak for “bullshit award to help get her into a skimpier outfit.” I would prefer to name her “chloroform victim of the year” and then test my theory on whether or not her hymen regenerates as well.

Landmines Don’t Blow Up Pretty Girls, Dear

by on @ 12:52 pm

Miss LandmineBongweasel just pointed me in the direction of this Fox News story about the upcoming Miss Landmine competition. It’s… about what you’d expect.

Ten women will show off their beauty and brains — and their landmine injuries — in Angola next April in a competition to win a golden prosthetic limb and the title of Miss Landmine 2008.

Whoa, wait, a golden prosthetic limb? Jesus, black people are taking this “bling” nonsense a little bit too far.

Speaking of whom, you must check out the contestants. While I’m very touched by their plight, I’m forced to wonder if they are trying to make a mockery of these poor limbless beauties. With job aspirations like “anything” and “street vendor” and favorite colors listed as “sand,” they don’t make a very convincing argument for why you should take anything about the whole affair seriously. Listing the year that their wayward limb was blown off, including (in some cases) a small description of the circumstances, was a nice touch.

Slice Of The Day: Celebrity Nipple Edition

by on November 15, 2007 @ 12:25 pm

Holy crap in a handbag, does Rachel Bilson have pierced nipples? Have a look at the evidence yourself. And yes, it may be pathetic and not of interest to a lot of you, but when have I ever given a shit about that? The only things I care about are boobs, games, liquor, and more boobs.

And just in case you really don’t give a crap about her potentially having some nipple bling, here are some better quality photos of Jennifer Garner’s nipple slip from earlier this year. Enjoy.

Rachel Bilson Nipple RingJennifer Garner Nipple Slip

Anything to distract me from the fact that I’m not playing Mario Galaxy or Call of Duty 4 is welcomed right now.

Slice Of The Day: Sarah Michelle Gellar

by on @ 5:02 pm

Holy shit, Sarah Michelle Gellar isn’t dead! And she’s still hot! You’d think with all of the horrific downhill slides that so many other starlets have succumbed to, she’d be 100lbs overweight and stuck with a few baby Prinze Jrs by new.

Sarah Michelle Gellar Nude

According to her IMDB page, she’s doing… not much. Oh well, I don’t really need a reason to look at her semi-nude body, I just need a few minutes with my office door closed.