LAX Point Of View

by on November 27, 2002 @ 9:54 pm

Huzzah for crappy puns! Im currently amidst a sea of unwashed contemporaries awaiting the arrivals of our loved ones at Los Angeles International airport. I was about to post when a guy asked, “Hey, is that a Hiptop???”, at which point I entered sales pitch mode. When it comes to techno geeks, I may as well have a firm set of tits and an apple of an ass when it comes to making an impression.

Anyway, now that Im nice and toasted from the nearby cantina, I feel it’s time to drop some holiday science on ya. First off, don’t show up early to pick people up from the airport. Not my choice, mind you. Id rather my loved ones wait in a terminal then me, because at least they can meander in the “ticketholders only” areas that contain the only restaurants and bookstores within the immediate area. We had to walk 15 minutes to find a newsstand and a beer. And another thing, Halle Berry and Jennifer Lopez are on too goddamn many magazine covers this month. I say enough with the girls who’s bosoms have already been bared onscreen. Time to concentrate our attention on those who’s endowments remain a mystery. Besides, I could give a fuck about Lopez’s marriage to Affleck. If I wanted to read about doomed marriages I’d hook OJ up with the heiress to a cutlery empire.

Gotta go, the family’s here. Thanks for your time.

Clinton did it, so why can’t we?

by on @ 1:17 pm

Yeah, I’m still alive. Yeah, I’m still working here. No, I have no clue why Sharkey hasn’t fired me yet. Who is the most impartial and accurate polling service out there today? Why it’s got to be Playboy of course! So then it comes as a complete surprise that a poll run by Playboy would find that people are having sex with interns! Oh my gosh! Next thing you’ll tell me that Jimmy Swaggart has been monogamous since he married his wife!

Just like the Americans…

by on @ 8:22 am

We finally put an Indian and a Mexican into space, and what do we do? We put them to work doing construction, which apparently is the only thing they are good at aside from selling drugs and the short order grill.

Astronauts used cranes to attach another expensive piece of latticework to the international space station Tuesday, and then a team of spacewalkers went out and wired it up. Herrington — the first American Indian in space — and his spacewalking partner, Michael Lopez-Alegria, installed clamps, removed locks and connected electrical cables between the new segment and the rest of the space station. [story]

And, in standard minority fashion, the two engaged in some friendly racist bantering when the Mexican accused the Indian of being a lazy no good bag of drunken shit:

The spacewalkers teased each other as they worked 250 miles up. Lopez-Alegria wanted to take a picture of Herrington and told him, “Why don’t you do some work so your family won’t think you’re goofing off up here on vacation?”

NASA has plans to send a white supervisor into space later this week to make sure “the darkies didn’t fuck anything up.”

This Post Will Last Longer Than They Will

by on November 26, 2002 @ 1:23 pm

Just a quickie about a quickie gone awry. It’s work safe for those of you who care, unless your work has something against profanities. Personally, I think everyone in a cubicle-caged environment would feel much better with a cute profane surname, like Mr. Cockbiter or Ms. Fuckserwaytothetop. Something to bring all of that nasty office gossip out into the open where it can fester and boil.

Renegade Resonance (Mudvayne)

by on @ 3:32 am

Well I’m gonna try to breathe life into the Music Section again. I think I should start with one of my new driving songs. I swear I should make a CD of all my favorite driving songs and then sell it. Anyway, this is one of those songs that comes on and if I’m on the freeway, then my usual “conservative” 75 turns into about 90+….

Admittedly, I didn’t care that much for the first Mudvayne album when I first bought it, but after a time it grew on me. The new CD gets played about all the time. This song is the aforementioned driving song.

Mudvayne – Not Falling

They Also Have An OJ Simpson Knife Holder

by on @ 11:48 am

Notice to any Iraqi families looking for some objets d’art to sprinkle around your war-torn homestead: remodelling with old artillery does not a Martha Stewart make. That takes a deal with Satan and a few insider trading scandals.

A Montenegrin family thought a World War II artillery shell was the ideal replacement for a broken table leg — until it exploded, injuring eight people as they were about to eat a meal.

“It was our own idea to replace the missing leg with this cannon grenade,” house owner Milovan Miskovic said. “We thought it was harmless…it was here in our courtyard for some 50 years.”

But “all of a sudden, we heard a loud bang and then everything went black.”

Good idea pops. How about giving baby Huey one of those old grenades for a pacifier this Christmas? Thankfully (?) the family suffered minor injuries, and have since replaced the errant table leg with their latest backyard findings.

Celestia, quit fucking wobbling, we're having pie up here!
I know, it’s a cheap shot. But we’re all about the cheap shots here. Besides, what better use would you find for Anne if she stumbled into your backyard spouting shit about God, Celestia, and popcorn? Well, I know what most of you would do, and Lord only knows what you’d catch you little perverts.

My Impressions Of Scientists Has Diminished Greatly

by on November 23, 2002 @ 12:06 am

Everybody and their brother has been sending me this link. Apparently a Swedish scientist burned his junk with his laptop while writing a report. There goes the relevancy of the ages-old addage: “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to not burn your cock with a Dell… dude.”

Doctors are warning that laptop computers may inflict a burn even through clothed skin, after the bizarre case of a Swedish scientist who scorched his penis and testicles while writing a report in his armchair.

The unnamed 50-year-old father of two had balanced the computer on his lap while he wrote the report at home, taking about an hour to do it, according to a letter published in the next issue of the British medical weekly The Lancet.

The following day, he started to develop painful blisters on his foreskin and scrotum, which became infected but eventually cleared up without the need for antibiotics.

You’d have to wonder about the amount of usage a fellow gets out of a wang that can get so seriously injured without the guy noticing. Then again, I’m too drunk to be funny right now, so why don’t you go ahead and click on the banners I uploaded while drinking these lovely margaritas, and pretend I was so fucking hilarious that your goddamned Coke spurted out of your nose and all over your 21″ LCD flat screen monitor. I bought you that monitor by the way, so you love me more than words can say. Just remember that when your cities are burning and covered with monkey shit. Comedy gold and 21″ flat screens baby, it was all fucking worth it.