Random Jack

by on January 29, 2008 @ 12:58 pm

The internet is boring this week, so here are the few things that have registered as a blip on my radar thus far.

One more thing: I’m thoroughly exhausted with the current run of Burger King ads, mainly because they are a complete fucking fantasy. If your average person had the great misfortune of having to eat at BK, and was told that the chain had discontinued the Whopper®, odds are that the person in question would respond with “Oh good, did you replace it with something edible?”

24, Hundred Baud

by on January 23, 2008 @ 3:53 pm

FaaQ pointed me towards the lost “24” pilot from 1994.

Kind of reminds me of downloading porn at a buddy’s house on his 14.4 baud modem back around ’94. We’d queue it up on some BBS to download a couple of pictures, walk to the nearby Mexican place for lunch, then come back a couple of hours later to salivate over his new acquisitions. That was how I was introduced to the concept of disturbing fetishes, of which he had many, whereas I had previously assumed that the only fetish was for naked girls. I’d love to go back and comfort little 14-year-old Sharkey, and tell him to prepare, because things were only going to go downhill from that point forward. *sigh* So many things that we can never unsee.

I’m Afraid I’m Not Familiar With That Term

by on @ 3:33 pm

Cooper Lawrence Talks Out Of Her AssAs a followup to yesterday’s video from Fox News slamming Mass Effect, I thought I’d mention EA’s response to Fox detailing the inaccuracies and blatant lies that were spread during the report.

Your headline above the televised story read: “New videogame shows full digital nudity and sex.”
Mass Effect does not include explicit or frontal nudity. Love scenes in non-interactive sequences include side and profile shots – a vantage frequently used in many prime-time television shows. It’s also worth noting that the game requires players to develop complex relationships before characters can become intimate and players can chose to avoid the love scenes altogether.

FNC voice-over reporter says: “You’ll see full digital nudity and the ability for players to engage in graphic sex.”
Fact: Sex scenes in Mass Effect are not graphic. These scenes are very similar to sex sequences frequently seen on network television in prime time.

…This isn’t a legal threat; it’s an appeal to your sense of fairness. We’re asking FNC to correct the record on Mass Effect.

Nice one EA, that’s definitely going to earn some respect over at Fox. I can see it now.

*Scene – Interior – Fox News Mailroom*

Fox News Rep: “Let’s see, right winger fan mail, left winger hate mail, bills, bills… WHOA! Heavens to BETSY! An inaccuracy in a Fox News report?!? Sweet Jesus in a birchbark canoe, we can’t mislead the public, this is serious business! I’d better file this in the urgent pile, right away!”
Fox News Rep: *puts letter in shredder*

EA might as well call the fucking Better Business Bureau while they’re wasting their breath.

Meanwhile, the Internets are taking a more direct approach and attacking Cooper Lawrence, the condescending bitch who kept running her mouth about a game she’d never played and quite obviously didn’t comprehend. Her book on Amazon is currently suffering a plague of 1-star reviews and scathing commentary. Amazon has apparently caught on to the gag, and is now eliminating the ability to give the book a 1-star rating. I’m guessing that they’ll attack her website or Myspace page next, provided no new pariahs decide to throw their hat into the ring. Lord knows the internets are a fickle bunch, and easily distracted.

Nice legs on that ill-informed twat though.

Nintendo Had Better Pay Attention

by on @ 12:04 pm

Ho-lee shit.

Never let it be said that being a chubby undersexed Asian guy was all bad. Sure, it probably sucks for him, but look at what we get in return. His work is already inspiring other awesome projects, like these Minority Reportesque gloves. Hopefully some enterprising developers are watching, and learning. None of this tech is exactly new or revolutionary, but it’s awesome to see how easy it would be to implement for the Wii. Now all we need is a Miyamoto-designed game to go with it.

The Witchest Witcher That Ever Witched

by on @ 11:16 am

The latest Zero Punctuation is online, and this time Ben tears into “The Witcher.” Normally I’d just link to the page, but it seems to be loading like ass, unlike the video. So here you go, sweet embedded goodness.

Also, if you are a 360 owner don’t forget to cash in on your free download of Undertow. You’ve got until Sunday.

Speaking of the 360, I spent a fair amount of time cruising around Paradise City in Burnout Paradise with Bongweasel last night. The game is occasionally fun, and ridiculously gorgeous, but it’s amazing how much they fucked up a good formula. This whole open-world scenario may be great in theory, but in practice it is incredibly tedious. After your first race loss leaves you halfway across the map from your original starting point, and you realize that you must now haul your mangled car all the way back there just to get another crack at it, you’ll curse the fuckwits who decided to implement this concept. And why are there no fucking laps anymore? If you’re not going to give me the option of restarting a race, you could at least use laps so that I wind up back where I started. I don’t know when “annoying the user” became a hip new game developer meme, but believe me guys, it needs to go the way of Uwe Boll’s financial backing, post haste.

And finally, there’s nothing like combining my lust for gaming and my lust for baked goods. Check out this ridiculously awesome Katamari cake, and these Mario and Pac-Man cupcakes. The latter two were baked by a lil’ Australian chick, and I’m very happy to say that she is not particularly attractive. Not that she’s ugly, but definitely not hot, and that is a Harry Knowles sized relief. That would just be too fucking much for me, a hot slice of pie baking me nerd-centric cake goods would just completely screw up my expectations for the female of the species. It’s kind of like how Bolt is always saying that the first girl who blew him was a fellatio champ, whereas every subsequent mouth has brought the tragic taste of disappointment. It’d be like that, but with enough weight to inspire crippling depression and eventual self-imposed celibacy.

Actually, that last line sounds like most nerds that I’ve met over the years.

It’s Unfortunate That We Must Parent Our Children

by on January 22, 2008 @ 3:35 pm

I’m not sure whether I should be offended or amused by this Fox News piece on the “gratuitous sex scenes” in Mass Effect. At the moment I’m a fair mix of both, with a dash of confusion. It just amazes me how often these news outlets will hire just about anyone to comment on controversies such as this, and not allow the one person on camera who has actually played the game to throw his two cents in. Sorry darlin’, we don’t have time for your rebuttal because we need to cut to a panel of (hilariously) uninformed “experts” who lament that in these modern times, we actually have to monitor what our kids are given access to.

That’s OK though, because the trailer for Off-Road Velociraptor Safari should perk us all right the fuck up. Does anyone else really miss the Carmageddon series right about now?

I Can Sum It Up In Three Words: Evolution Is A Lie

by on @ 3:17 pm

I don’t normally like to talk religion on this site, because frankly your beliefs are your own damned business and I frankly don’t care enough to listen. Everyone can believe whatever they want, as long as they keep it out of my face. Same goes for me. But every once in awhile, people deserve some serious mocking. And regardless of their religion, I am obliged to do so.

“You are banned. You are not a Christian for Christians don’t accuse brothers and sisters in Christ of being non-Christian.”

“Sorry but scientists have just shown that mice DNA is more similar to humans than human DNA. So would evolutionists then declare that humans came from mice? Probably. That’s because most people can’t think for themselves and are confused about reality. That’s why they believe anything scientists say.”

“But think about it, who is smart enough to write the Holy Bible? The answer, no one. How could people back then have written words with such intellegence? We were not very educated back then, we all know. So tell me, how could people back ages ago could have written the bible?”

Hit the link for many, many amazing pearls of wisdom.

So Ends The Joker

by on @ 2:10 pm

Holy Hannah, Heath Ledger was just found dead in his NYC apartment. (Thanks as usual to Bongy)

Heath Ledger was found dead at 3:26 pm this afternoon,” a police spokesperson said, saying he was found in his residence in the posh district of Soho. “We don’t know the cause of the death.”

The entertainment website TMZ said Heath was discovered by a maid in his bed in his Manhattan apartment, adding that “law enforcement sources … believe it was not a crime.”

The newspaper quoted officials as saying pills were found near the body, but gave no further details.

Wow. Two of my girlfriend’s childhood crushes in about a week’s timespan. That’s a damn shame, I actually liked Heath Ledger. At least he got to finish up his work on The Dark Knight which will probably be his last film release. Unfortunately I don’t think that filming had wrapped on Terry Gilliam’s Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, so it looks like we’ll never see what would’ve happened there. Another “Man Who Killed Don Quixote” for Gilliam.

Since they found him naked with pills, you’d assume overdose or suicide. Such tragedy that talented actors keep dropping off while Steven Seagal is still alive and kicking… slowly and obesely kicking, but kicking nonetheless.

Stop Telling Me About The Macbook Air

by on January 15, 2008 @ 12:40 pm

Do I think that the newly unveiled Macbook Air is sexy? Yes I do. Do I think it’s a reasonable to pay 2 grand after taxes for a laptop that is less powerful than my PC laptop purchased 2 years ago just because it is smaller and sexier? No I do not. And just to save any of my Mac using friends some time, before bringing this up to me, answer this question:

Fuck the macbook air

Oh, and no replaceable battery? Fuck you.