2003…do you know where your porn is?

by on January 4, 2003 @ 12:20 am

If you haven’t heard by now (which I hadn’t until about 3 weeks ago) there is a Britney Spears/Anna K Sex Tape supposedly made. My store managers have been debating the reality of such a video, but more importantly, where to get one.

I’m assuming you guys have just put me on your ‘people to give gifts to that you don’t know very well’ list. So let’s get cracking on that, shall we?

In other news, your friendly neighborhood Spiffie McLure has won the latest photoshop challenge in the latest poll. I’m only mentioning his name once, though. He used a picture in the new contest that I specifically barred from the immortal Imagery forum. Fortunately for him, the main picture to be abused was a Star Trek pic. So set your phasers to laugh and…uh….beam me up….scotty…..

….mini-me likes chocolate…scotty don’t!!!

If any of you fools think you have what it takes to play in big boy clone games go here and read the rules.

ok…i’m going to bed….

Buck O Nine’s “My Town” Comes To Mind

by on January 3, 2003 @ 3:33 am

Every now and again I like to peruse the police log of my city, which has made #1 on the safest cities in America list a few times, if I recall. We’re still in the top ten, at least I know that. What’s funny is, you’d think we’re some kind of shitty po’dunk town that is cut off from normal human civilization. Not true. In fact, we’ve got shopping centers coming out our asses, one of the largest movie theatres on the planet (was #1 for the first few years it was open) and a shitload of money running through the town. There’s a Starbucks on every corner, and more bored teens smokin’ the weed than Dick Clark has rings on his trunk. Not a bustling metropolis, that’s true, but hardly competition for Hooterville.

However, I will admit that for a town with so much shit crammed into it, this place is a tad boring. Especially when you look at the police reports. Let’s take a look at the highlights, shall we?

Tuesday, December 3 1:42 p.m. Manic depressive not taking medication, transported out of city
— I shit you not, this is the police code for “We found a bum. We dropped him off in Costa Mesa where he belongs.” Ask anyone, you can see a bum at a freeway on ramp on your way to McDonalds, and on your way back he’s being loaded into a police cruiser. I want to be a cop in this town, the donut intake must be awe-inspiring.

Friday, December 6 3:17 p.m. Criminal threat; unknown suspect threatened to hit victim’s head in with a baseball bat, suspect possibly from rival advertising company; Valpak on Business Center Drive.
–Being that a lot of rich retards with no clue as to what to do with their inherited wealth exist in this town, it must be a pretty brutal industry. If you’ve ever seen the ValPak commercials where the little envelope guy dances around, then you comprehend the amazing visual I have of a white collar ad exec threatening to beat a cartoon envelope. But then again, I’m drunk and you, most likely, are not.

Friday, December 13 7:10 p.m. Grand theft commercial; $1,000 worth of hand tools taken from IMAX projection room; Edwards Cinema on Fortune.
— I’m surprised I didn’t hear about this one before now. I know the manager and the projectionists very well. Matter of fact, so do you. But I digress…

Saturday, December 14 5:42 p.m. Battery; 51-year-old male suspect pushed 10-year-old victim; Edwards on Jamboree.
— Yes, this is the sad level of courage that is exuded amongst the more aged Republicans around here that I aspire to become. *sigh*

Basically, if you read through the reports, you’ll see a shitload of the following: fake IDs, Identity thefts, and marijuana possession. The three top crimes in the city last month were two rapes and an armed robbery at one of the numerous Blockbuster Video stores. Not to trivialize the rapes, those are pretty Goddamn terrible, but those are the extent of criminal activity in our town? No wonder all the kids get bored, smoke weed, and ironically wind up on this police log.

The best bit is, I’ve no doubt been on that log myself once or twice. Last month there was a big hubbub concerning teens that were dropping water balloons onto cars from overhead walkways on residential streets. Seems like the whole damn place is going down the shitter. Next thing you know they’ll allow more than three black people into the town! *GASP* BTW, my good friend Tracer Bullet is one of those esteemed three, and that’s only because he has a white momma. I live in Pleasantville, only instead of black and white wholesome teens, there are a lot of Asian sluts. Rock.

I’m drunk enough to sleep now. Night night.

Happy Fucking New Year

by on December 31, 2002 @ 11:31 pm

I hope you had a pleasant stay in the wonderful year of the two thousand and two. Because next year is just going to be more of the same, with the same people ruining our lives. Not that I’m bitter about John Ashcroft tracking me down and branding my ass with a UPC code, just in case I might decide to maybe someday imply with a knowing wink to a co-worker of mine that, yes, his mother probably smells funny.

But enough of that. We’ve got so much to look forward to! I just can’t wait until I get laid off. Then that will free up plenty of time for me to join the Army, since I know without a doubt that business will be booming.

At least I had three good CD’s that came out this year to listen to (Trail of Dead, QOTSA, Sleater-Kinney). Too bad the RIAA will erase my hard drive because they have it on good authority that I might have probably kinda downloaded them off, what’s that thing called? Napster? No, out of business; the RIAA already erased their hard drives. Luckily, with Total Information Awareness, they’ll be able to check my credit card account and see that yes, I did buy those CD’s. Then they can just throw me in jail for something else I did. I’m sure that I already got a red flag on my dossier from not being married, yet ordering a economy sized box of condoms. It says “sexual deviant” right under “doesn’t pay his parking tickets.”

Remember kids, even you can be a cynic. It’s not even hard anymore.

This Post Burns One’s Self The Brains

by on @ 2:44 am

No, that’s not a chunk of Engrish, and it’s certainly not a AYBABTU quote. It’s actually a piece of text from a remarkable Portugese-English phrasebook entitled “English As She is Spoke”. I’m quite sure that I’ll be temporarily replacing Orion as King Of Old News with this one, but those of you in the dark regarding this delightfully retarded piece of literary history will thank me. Especially once you check out excerpts from the book. If I haven’t convinced you, here’s a bit from Yahoo about the delicious nature of this book.

In 1855, Jose da Fonseca and Pedro Carolino sat down to write an English phrasebook for Portuguese students. There was just one problem: they didn’t know English. Even worse, they didn’t own an English-to-Portuguese dictionary. What they did have, though, was a Portuguese-to-French dictionary and a French-to-English dictionary. Perhaps the worst foreign phrasebook ever written, the resulting linguistic train wreck was first published in 1855 and became a classic of unintentional humor. Armed with Fonseca and Carolino’s guide, a Portuguese traveler could complain about his writing implements (“This pen are good for notting”), insult a barber (“What news tell me? all hairs dresser are newsmonger”), complain about the orchestra (“It is a noise which to cleave the head”), go hunting (“Let aim it! let make fire him!”), and consult a handy selection of truly mystifying Idiotisms and Proverbs (“Nothing some money nothing of Swiss.”) Mark Twain, prefacing an American edition, marveled of its “miraculous stupidities” that “Nobody can add to the absurdity of this book, nobody can imitate it successfully, nobody can hope to produce its fellow; it is perfect.”

First person to find me a cheap, available copy of the book gets uh… I dunno, a free custom title/pie forum access or a plug or something. Or I might even publicly berate your stupidity right here, absolutely free. And as a bonus, we’ll send you an 8×10 of your ascii-based verbal flogging, suitable for framing. Won’t Mom be proud?


by on December 30, 2002 @ 2:58 am

This is a blatant fucking plug. However, since the game has about no marketting in the US right now, I figure word-of-mouth is the way to go.

What’s that I’m talking about? Why it’s Neocron of course! It’s the game that we’ve been waiting for. It’s a FPS game that is also a MMORPG. We thought that AO would be that, but it wasn’t. This one is what you are after. If it will help you understand the game’s premise, it’s pretty much like playing Deus Ex with other players in an ongoing world.

Another really cool thing is that if you hit the official site, you can download a free offline demo of the game. That’s right, you can take it out for a test drive before you buy! So far I’ve had a 100% success rate with people that have played the demo and then bought the game. Actually my success rate is over 100% if you count the fact that my roomates coerced me into giving up my original account with Orion Engineer to be the mule account so we’d have a full-time construction mule. Full-time implanter and researcher on that account now, too.

VEHICLES!! That’s right, you can have hover bikes, troop carriers, buggies, and tanks. Right now my crew has been mass-producing the vehicle with space for a driver, a gunner, and a passenger. Think about the buggy that you drove all over HALO and that is about what it is. It goes pretty fast over the outdoor terrain, and it’s a hell of a lot of fun.

Well, as usual, if you are interested then email me for details on where we play and our names and whatnot. I’ll even make it a point to look at my email once a day for the next few days. Gosh I’m nice! Oh yeah, I almost forgot. The game is almost entirely PVP. This means that if some fuckwad comes in and ninjas your kill, you can light him on fire or blow his ass into next week.

Experiments In Evil

by on @ 1:46 am

I have concocted a new alcoholic beverage, which I must now share with you. However, I must warn you that this new drink, while tasty and incredibly potent, is also very dangerous. In fact, I am convinced that this drink’s sole purpose is to get the drinker quickly intoxicated, and then into the bathroom to make an offering to the porcelein god. I made this drink as a tasty treat for the lil’ woman and I, and while we both found it quite the culinary delight, about one hour later our stomachs were not quite the pinnacle of fortification. Let me run down the ingredients, and I will share my theories on why such a disturbing gastrointestinal response occurred. I'm a shaker of evil!

Drink Recipe: “Kill ‘Em With Kindness” (I take great pride in the cleverness of that name)

2 shots Vodka
4-5 shots Irish Creme, I recommend a caramel flavor in leiu of Baileys
3 shots Maple Syrup
5-6 shots Milk

This is a spinoff of the delicious White Russian. I had a friend who liked popping a half shot of Hershey’s syrup into one to make it into a more dessert type drink, and I felt like feeding one to the girlfriend as a sort of frou-frou delicacy. When faced with a critical lack of ingredients, namely the Hershey’s syrup, I improvised. I knew that caramel and maple syrup ran pretty close together on the taste scale, so I threw a shot or two into the mix. What do you know, all of the sudden the drink took on an entirely different flavor. Even I was impressed enough to partake in a couple of these delicious drinks. However, the vomit reflex an hour later was no doubt attributed to the massive amounts of maple syrup now floating in my system. These ingredients, while tasty, are a volatile mixture. Use only on those who you would enjoy watching puke their dinner into the toilet. Happy trails.

I know. It sounds gross, but trust me, it tasted great. Basically you put in the two shots of vodka into a good sized glass with two ice cubes. Then you fill the glass to halfway with the creme liquer. Then add the few shots of maple syrup, stir vigorously so the syrup doesnt coat the bottom, then fill it almost to the top with milk. Then taste it. If it seems to have not enough vodka, add that. Not enough sweetness, add liquer and syrup. Serve, and enjoy as your friends get plastered very quickly, and sent to the toilet with the same swiftness.

Girl Dooms Humanity, Humanity Indifferent

by on December 29, 2002 @ 6:35 pm

[ Girl Sues Over Getting Detentions ]

A 15-year-old girl says she is going to sue her education authority over detentions which she claims breached her civil rights.

The family, who want compensation, will argue that the detentions were unlawful because they took place in Freya’s free time.

Mother Annie McDonald told the Daily Express the detentions had had a bad effect on her daughter’s well-being, her confidence and her health.

…just when I was feeling all holiday-giddy, and in a generally pleasant spirit, some cunt over in Europe has to bring me down. It’s really sad to get yourself so high on yule tidings, only to have it torn apart because someone’s mother is a litigation whore. Great.

Then, of course, I think about the winged monkeys that will soon be descending upon their abode, clawing at eyes and humping the sockets with malicious fervor, and I get a warm, fuzzy tingling in my nether regions. Is that bad? Good. Happy Post Christmas everybody.

Holiday Wishes

by on December 28, 2002 @ 5:16 pm

Gosh I hope this is from last year. Well at least Christmas was a few days ago, so if this is new this year then at least it’s still late and I can retain my King Of Old Newstm title.

I’m sure you have someone “special” in your life that you can think of when you see this. I know I did.

Click Here For Holiday Wishes

Oh yeah, many thanks to Bentos for the link.

Little Test

by on December 27, 2002 @ 2:15 pm

What with all of the SPAM and files that go through my system, I have to format a couple of times per year, minimum. This latest time, I figured since I was getting a new hard drive, I may as well let the viruses wreak havoc on my files for a couple of weeks without NAV to protect it. Now that my new HD is installed and Norton Antivirus is up and running, I ran a simple scan of the system. Here’s what the results were:

This is the day the viruses have their piiiiic-nic!

Christ almighty, not only did it take an hour to scan 40 gigs of who knows what, but it had more viruses than a tiajuana whorehouse. Looks like it’s time to put a rubber on my computer before I go surfing for pr0n.