by on October 8, 2004 @ 12:32 pm

Seriously, can we stop putting out screenshots of stuff that I want to buy for one fucking day? Between books, DVDs, and games over the next 4 months (I’m estimating about GODDAMNED 30) I’m not going to have time to have sex with myself, let alone a living female.

So yeah, the fucking Nintendo DS train just keeps rolling. I may as well just link to the individual articles, and you can pick what you feel like reading. I’ll be ranting about my ever-shrinking future wallet in a moment.

While I’m actually saddened by the quality of graphics for Advance Wars DS, I will still buy it because I loved the others. I’m still wetting myself over the idea of handheld Mario 64, and you can never go wrong with another Mario Kart title.

I sincerely hope that they bring FFIII over to the states, as I think it’s the only FF game that I have not actually played, and I heard it was amazing. Perhaps if it enjoys commercial success, Square Enix will pull their heads out of their asses and put out VI on this damned thing.

Now, the one thing out of all these links that really makes me salivate is the new wireless info. The fact that you only need ONE COPY of some games (like Mario 64) in order to play multiplayer is… an amazingly good idea, and I’m glad that they finally realized it. Seems like competition is good for some things. And by some things, I mean me.

Pick up the receiver, I’ll make you a believer

by on @ 10:37 am

Gainesville, Florida’s the Aeffect is getting ready to release their debut full-length Secrets & Lies on their label, Hitchhiker Records on October 19. So you’ll be able to find it in stores, though, it’s being distributed by Suburban Home.

To promote their effort, they’ve filmed a video for the song “Burning In the Bed On Fire.” You can also download an mp3 of the song here. They band sounds an awful lot like Depeche Mode, but that’s never been a bad thing in my book. Hell, look what it did for the Faint.

Of course, if you find yourself listening to the mp3 and can’t wait the week and a half until the album is released, you can always check your local independant record store for their first EP, A Short Dream, on Fueled By Ramen.

Revolution rock

by on @ 7:54 am

L.A.-based radio station Indie 103.1 is my new crack. Ever since discovering that the Clash’s Steve Jones does a show called “Jonesy’s Jukebox” from noon-2pm every day, I’ve been listening all the time. Mainly when I’m sitting here at the computer or working in the kitchen, since.. well… I live in fucking Kansas.

Anyhow, Joe Sib, Henry Rollins, and the Crystal Method all have shows… and you can stream the damn thing in the comfort of your own home. So, give it a shot. It’s the best radio station I’ve ever heard. Think college radio, without the annoying djs that are on college radio.

Open Letter To Apple

by on October 7, 2004 @ 4:25 pm

From: Sharkey
To: [email protected]
Subject: Safari Suggestion

Dear Employees of Apple,

Thus far, your company and I have been at peace. Up until the last few days, you VW-driving peace lovers have been more of a minor nuisance, rather than a problem. As long as your day-to-day operations didn’t bother me, I wouldn’t bother you. In fact, I even applauded you for the Ipod, which I still enjoy to this day. However, I’m afraid that our accord has reached an end. And before my rabid monkey whordes storm your office, wielding nunchucks and yanking out your queer little ponytails, I have decided to explain the situation. Please put down your Starbucks mocha-whatever and listen for a moment.

As you know, your machines are now shipped with the Safari browser as a default. I can understand that with all the proprietary junk you like to throw on those machines (which I value about as highly as the cardboard PCs that they use in model homes) you may as well throw this inferior product on there as well. I found it cute, considering your own install base, coupled with the install base of all KHTML browsers. Unfortunately, your measly 1% market share with this piece of crap that can’t even properly render HTML has cost me hours and hours of precious time today. Because some fucking prestigious university that I have been consulting for needed their goddamned website to function flawlessly in your turd-in-a-box that you call a web browser. Sadly, I had already spent all weekend making this web site function without flaws in nearly every browser on the planet. I was a goddamned master of compatibility. But oddly enough, your pile of shit has to make blinky fucking text for certain javascript elements, and can’t handle fucking standard HTML code the way that the “real” browsers can. Therefore, my client expected cutting-edge graphics and coding capabilities out of your jalopy. I had to spend all fucking day working on browser detection, DHTML versions of certain javascripts, fucking image rotators instead of a beautiful flash piece. All of this, because you insist on having this shit browser on the vanity-mirror that you call a computer.

True, I did get paid for this effort. And paid well. However, if you think that I enjoy pandering to 1% of the market (who are already a walking, talking joke to me), and wasting my valuable brain processes trying to work around your mistakes, you are even more idiotic than your ownership of Apple machines suggests.

Please wait 6-8 weeks for the delivery of monkey whordes. They will be along soon to drive that Jetta right up your fucking asses. Have a nice day.



I feel better now.

King Of All Satellite Media?

by on October 6, 2004 @ 2:13 pm

So I guess by now, a lot of you have heard about Howard Stern jumping over to Sirius satellite radio, signing a $500 million 5-year contract in the process. And if you haven’t, here’s a couple of tidbits:

Howard Stern, the ribald radio host who has become a poster boy for bad behavior on U.S. airwaves, will jump to Sirius Satellite Radio in January 2006, freeing him from the grips of regulators and giving the nascent satellite radio sector a big boost.

The deal gives a much needed shot in the arm to Sirius, which lags behind larger competitor XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc.(Nasdaq:XMSR – news), and establishes the medium as a competitive alternative to traditional radio. Investors cheered the news, lifting Sirius shares 15.5 percent to a two-year high.

Sirius currently has more than 600,000 subscribers, a fraction of Stern’s current audience of 12 million listeners on broadcast radio, where he ranks No. 1 in 46 large markets across the country. Sirius said it would need to add 1 million subscribers to cover the cost of the five-year deal.

The numbers are pretty interesting here. Sirius is banking on over 8% (at least) of Stern’s listeners to not only install a Sirius-compatible stereo in their car/home/office, but pay the $12.95 per month subscription fee. I suppose if they’ve already got a subscriber base of 600,000 or so, there’s a really good chance that an additional million would jump on the bandwagon. It’s still a remarkable gamble, I bet XM is shitting their pants right now. Sirius just went from being the underdogs on the block to having the largest satellite-based cock. Not only did that rhyme, but it was ladened with excellent imagery.

What I’m wondering is whether or not any of you will be subscribing to Sirius, now that Stern will be moving there? I already have a Sirius-compatible, and I’m easily within their target demographic of age range and disposable income, but I’m not paying fucking $12.95 a month to listen to Howard. But I would wager that this was more of a step towards retirement. The man is 50-years old, filthy fucking rich, and this deal will carry him through 55. At this point, even if his show tanks on satellite radio, he probably wouldn’t give a shit. Especially with an excess $500 million to cushion his fall.


by on @ 3:02 pm

[ I Am Learn ] – Learning Perl script actually produces a blog worth reading for more than ten seconds. What’s sad is that this thing writes with more lucidity than some people I know.

Lately I been speaking to Edwin about lesbian webloggers. The human body sometimes baffles me and I appreciate it!Please comment on the state of lesbian webloggers or lesbian webloggers here for me to read.And they are the best there is with my my mojo too. Please comment on my babbling or lesbian webloggers here for me to read. that seems to be the case. What do you love to say?.

So this are my 56th post and..I despise hard-ass robot monkeys.

This mothefucker covers some kickass topics. Lesbians. Britney Spears. Hard-ass robot monkeys. I never even thought to post about hard-ass robot monkeys, let alone formulate my own opinion of them. We’re all in serious trouble here.

Slice Of The Day: Jacinda Barrett

by on October 4, 2004 @ 6:48 pm

You probably remember her from “The Real World” in London, but she’s been in a lot of shitty movies lately, so you should probably pay attention to Aussie hottie, Jacinda Barrett. I guess she’s in that new flick, Ladder 49, which I probably won’t see.

Jacinda Barrett

I apologize for the skimpiness of the gallery, but those are pretty much all the non-owned-by-lawsuit-happy-image-corporations photos I could find of her. Any assistance in beefing up the picture selection would be appreciated.

CD Review: Last of the Famous – “The Music or the Misery”

by on @ 4:05 pm

So, this is Last of the Famous, the newest band from John Porcelly, also known as Porcell. He’s most famous for playing guitar in the seminal New York hardcore acts Youth of Today and Shelter. These groups were most famous for being among the first acts to kick off the straight-edge movement in the early ’80s, alongside acts like Minor Threat.

Last of the Famous also features Alex García-Rivera, who’s played in Piebald and Give Up the Ghost (formerly American Nightmare), as well as Saves the Day. Porcell has also lent his talents to the Gorilla Biscuits. So, you’d think The Music or the Misery would be a nice old-school hardcore record, sort of a throwback to the ’80s, sounding like all the previously mentioned bands.

Nope. Not a fucking chance, kids. Actually, it sounds an awful lot like something that would come out on Fat Wreck or Epitaph, namely a No Use For A Name record, or maybe some of the mellower Pennywise material.

It’s pretty surprising, really. When I found out Last of the Famous’ pedigree, this was about the last thing I was expecting. It’s got some heavy to it, but it’s pretty speedy, poppy music, with not a breakdown to be found. Now, the lyrics do reflect the message that Shelter and Youth of Today espoused so much back in the day, such as veganism, being drug free, and so on, so they’ve got that link. Musically, however, you’d never be able to guess that this band had so many hardcore veterans in its midst.

Despite the disparity between the past bands and the current sound, this is a good album. I wouldn’t go so far as to say great, but it’s good. Nothing particularly memorable, especially the vocals, which- while capable- do nothing to really grab your ear. The guitars have plenty of hooks, and the drums and bassline work to keep the songs going, but there’s never really any solid meat for them to dig into. The Music or the Misery falls strictly in the middle of the road, but I imagine that there will be plenty of kids curious to hear it, just to see what the members have been up to after all these years.

456 Entertainment
Last of the Famous