I’ve Got A Special Offer For You

by on @ 1:59 pm

Ever since I got caller ID on my phone at home, I’ve had a remarkably fun time ignoring unwanted phone calls. Ex girlfriends, sales people, Tara Reid’s ugly nipple, you name it. But there has been one phone number in the log that stands out among the rest. This single 1-800 number has called me at least 80 times over the last month and a half. I say “at least”, because it doesn’t record their number twice in a row. It waits until another call comes in before entering them into the log again.

So about two weeks ago, I sat playing GTA, and the phone rings. It’s the mystery 800 number of persistence. I run over a few pedestrians and decide that I cannot continue wondering who this ever vigilant phantom caller could be. So I pick up the phone.

Sharkey: “Hello?”
Caller: *long pause* “Hi sir. This is Todd with SBC Phone Service. I was calling you today to offer you a gr…”
Sharkey: *inturrupting* “You have got to be kidding me. You’re the bastards who have been calling me at 9 o’clock at night, 6 o’clock in the morning, hundreds of times over the course of a month?”
Caller: “Uh… I’m not sure sir, but I should tell you that we’re running a special on…”
Sharkey: “OK, OK look. I’ve got a special offer for you. Listening? Here’s the deal: you put me on whatever “do-not-call” list you folks have over there, and I’ll refrain from coming down there and stabbing random SBC employees in the eye with a spork. Sound good?”
Caller: “I’ll go ahead and put you down as ‘Not Interested’ sir.”
Sharkey: “Splendid. Have a nice day.”

Now you would think “Not Interested” meant “Do Not Fucking Call 5 Times A Day Anymore”, but apparently SBC employees are illiterate, or uncaring bastards. I’m guessing a little mixture of columns A and B. Since that day, I have spoken with SBC reps no less than 8 times, which doesn’t even count the amount of times that I haven’t been at home to answer. And considering the fact that I’m never at home, I would imagine that amount to be rather large.

So after numerous calls where I asked reps to stuff paper in their asses, or calmy mimed the sales pitch along with them from memory, I finally thought that the last woman had heard my pleas. She stated that she would do whatever was in her power to get me off the call list, so that I could once again live a life of peace. She was nice. …for a lying fucking whore.

This morning’s call:

Sharkey: “Hi. This is SBC again, isn’t it?”
Caller: *long pause* “Hello…. um, yes it is. This is Sally and I’m calling to offer you…”
Sharkey: *inturrupting* “Man, am I glad you called. I hadn’t heard from you bastards in a day or two, I was starting to get worried.”
Caller: “… well sir, I should tell you that we’re offering…”
Sharkey: “You know what Sally, I’m on my way out the door right now, so I don’t have time to talk. But why don’t you lie and pretend that you’re going to put me on the ‘Not Interested’ list, and I’ll talk to one of you fuckers in about three hours, OK? Hope the kids are alright, have a nice day.”

I’m thinking of keeping a log book next to my desk, and I’m going to try keeping demographic information about my new friends. You know, name, age, location, kids, social security numbers. Whatever they’ll tell me. I’m going to see how long it takes before I get a duplicate caller. And on that day I will rattle off the names of thier children and why the federal witness relocation program is such a boon to telemarketers in these exceptional times.

DVD Review: MxPx – “B-Movie”

by on @ 12:04 pm

MxPx has been a band for ten years now. Damn, it seems just the other day that I’d heard “Chick Magnet” for the first time. Anyhow, these pop-punkers have been on Tooth & Nail, A&M, and now make their SideOne Dummy debut with this DVD and acoustic EP combo.

The EP features four new songs and a really lovely reworking of “Invitation to Understanding” off 1998’s Slowly Going the Way of the Buffalo. The reworked track actually fair better than the new songs, simply because of its familiarity. The new tunes are good, but lack energy, most likely because they were arranged to be played acoustically.

Now, then… the DVD. B-Movie is the sort of DVD I usually avoid purchasing. There’s just something about combining live footage with interview type stuff that’s never really been able to draw me in, no matter how well it’s done or how much I like the band. And while I’ve liked MxPx for years now, I’ve never really been a huge fan.

The movie isn’t bad, it’s just that it doesn’t really feature enough of any one thing to get me going. There’s no full live show, there’s no music videos, and it’s all pretty much slice-of-life stuff about the band interspersed with live footage. The audio quality of the live footage is fantastic, and the footage would be great if they’d cut back on the jumpy quick edits.

For fans of the band, I’m sure this all borders on crack, as B-Movie is loaded with pictures, interviews, and stuff. I guess what bothers me most about the disc is that it seems to be all extras. There’s nothing that really makes me want to buy it. Personally, I’m happiest when bands put out a live show, or a collection of music videos. All the stuff that’s on MxPx’s DVD is material I consider to be “bonus content” on a regular release.

SideOne Dummy Records

Lindsay Lohan Loses The Fez

by on @ 9:21 pm

Lindsay Lohan Breaks Up With Fez[ Lindsay Lohan Breaks Up With Wilmer Valderrama ] (thanks malfunction from the forum)

I don’t really need to quote the story, as the breakup was inevitable (she’s Lindsay Lohan and his name is Wilmer. Do the math.) and pretty much standard fare. But this tidbit amused me:

Lohan, who also starred in “Freaky Friday,” was hospitalized in Los Angeles in late October for a high fever and headaches. She became ill while filming the movie “Herbie: Fully Loaded.”

Perhaps she realized that she was in another fucking Herbie movie, and vomited up what little was left of the soul she sold to Satan. And by Satan, I mean the Disney Corporation, who I still love no matter how many cease-and-desists they send me.

Not really knock-offs

by on @ 8:41 am

Today, we will be exploring a couple of bands that sound like other bands, but still manage to keep their tunes unique enough to avoid mockery by me.

First off, we have the Ruffians, from New York City. They sound an awful lot like Flogging Molly, who in turn sound an awful lot like the Pogues. Happily, they’re willing to admit that they sound like Flogging Molly and the Pogues. I’d really love to see the Ruffians live, as they seem like they’d be a hell of a lot of fun- the sort of band you’d want to play your birthday party and drink all your beer. There’s a strong possibility they may do the best Pogues cover ever. Never have I heard a man sound so much like Shane McGowan without being age 40+ and an alcoholic.

And, secondly, are the Phenomenauts. Not only do they sound like Man Or Astroman? (only with vocals), they look like them, too. It’s kinda creepy, and somewhat eerie. However, they milk the rockabilly tip of the Man Or Astroman? sound a lot more than the surf side, so they actually come off as a more country type of band. Granted, how a band can be country, and also be from outer space, I’m not certain.

Seriously, though, both bands are worth checking out. Both the Ruffians and Phenomenauts have plenty of sound video samples on their sites (so you can check out each band in the comfort of your computer chair), along with links to buy their cds and assorted other merch.

Britney Waxes Poetic

by on November 12, 2004 @ 6:19 pm

Oh… good lord.

A meal, a shower and some ice cream
Then I threw my man down, you know what I mean!

Magical nights filled with stars
Silence is golden, no running cars.

I can wager that her management staff (who probably already threw up over the wedding shit) are filling their trousers after this one.

Its awesome watching a girl demolish what’s left of her career over a relationship that most folks are giving a maximum of 18 months to survive. Does anybody know if she got a prenup?

Slice Of The Day: Denise Richards

by on November 11, 2004 @ 3:53 pm

Thanks to werfyman and tdo from the forums, I was able to pop up the new Playboy shots of Denise Richards. Personally, I would have preferred her to do these about 7 years ago, but beggards can’t be choosers.

Denise Richards... at least I posted a pic of her before she was used as Charlie Sheen's personal cum dumpster.

Likey! And don’t forget about the SOTD Denise Richards gallery. It’s chock full of Denise goodness from a time where she wasn’t getting porked by Charlie “Who Haven’t I Banged” Sheen.

For Best Results, Pop A Viagra Prior To Scanning

by on @ 12:53 pm

[ Suddenly, Heathrow Gets A Huge Surge In Job Applicants ]

A new X-ray machine at London’s Heathrow airport, which sees through passengers’ clothes, has been attacked by civil liberties campaigners as a “voyeur’s charter.”

The machine uses low-level radiation to see through clothing, producing an anatomically detailed black and white image of the body underneath.

Capable of detecting solid objects concealed under clothing, it started a four month trial in October.

Ahhh… and now the terrorism “scam” comes full circle. It was all just a farce to see up women’s skirts.