Investments based on Fantasy world prove risky

by on August 5, 2008 @ 9:00 am

As if you didn’t already know this, attempting to re-create a fantasy world IRL is probably not a good investment scheme, especially since the type of people who would actually want to own one of these homes all still live with their parents.

 The rise and fall of Bend’s real estate economy has resulted in foreclosure proceedings against The Shire, a village-themed concept in southeast Bend patterned after J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings” series.

A notice of default was recorded last week in the Deschutes County Clerk’s Office on the 31-lot development, which had a “Disneyland-like feel” according to one of its developers and was characterized by Old World housing styles and a fantasy setting….

“It was Ron’s concept, and it was a good one,” Jan McDonald said. “Had the market not gone to where it went, it had the potential to be successful.”

Uh, this was never going to be “successful”. 900k for a fucking log cabin with some pictures of Gandalf etched in glass and a “hobbit hole”, yeah that’s what any self respecting home owner is looking for.

If I ran that bank, I’d pay someone to show up in a Sauron outfit on the day they shitcan the place, ya know, just to really drive the nail home.


by on August 3, 2008 @ 10:54 pm

Today I ascended a mental mountain that I had been avoiding for a long time. When you start waking up some mornings vomiting despite not having any hooch, or even food for that matter on the preceeding evening, you get a bit of tunnel vision on the road of personal achievement. But as I’ve found a regimen that seems to keep me somewhat normal, I’ve begun licking my chops at the signs of a good challenge once again.

Yes true believers, I finally moved up to Hard Mode in Rock Band. And on some decent shit too, not any of those faggot songs in the first four or five tiers.

Next mountain to climb? Right now it’s between taking up a new sport or pursuing sexual congress with a (good looking) black girl. I’m thinking that both will require the same initial level of time commitment, so it’s open to debate.

Well, There Goes Season 3 Of “Heroes”

by on July 19, 2008 @ 4:44 pm

Anyone else catch a glimpse of the mutated afterbirth that is Hayden Panetierre’s new music video? The appropriately named “Wake Up Call” will hopefully wake up everyone’s gag reflex, and her Paris-Hiltonesque sound (I hate that she made me invent this term) will be suffocated before it can spread overseas. Then the whole experience can serve as a warning to music industry execs who have been throwing around recording contracts like they were the really shitty candy you’d get on Halloween, back when your Mom would make you share with your younger sister so you had to root around in the bag for the Bit O’ Honeys and anything made of black licorice to throw it at her in her stupid plastic Barbie mask. She didn’t even like candy, she just wanted it because I had it!

…therapy is going well.

You Complete Me

by on July 17, 2008 @ 1:15 pm

I have to warn you, I’m going to review The Dark Knight and I’m undoubtedly going to discuss plot elements that you won’t want to know prior to seeing the flick. So unless spoilers are your sort of thing, perhaps this one paragraph breakdown will suffice.


It’s good. It’s damn good. It’s damn good like Iron Man was damn good, except that John Favreau had the luck of releasing his baby prior to this film’s release. Not that Dark Knight is better overall, it’s just that… alright, it probably is better overall, but I’ll have to watch both again before I make that sort of statement. What I can say is that Dark Knight isn’t just a great comic book movie, it’s a great movie. Rather than spending his time focusing on the main character (Bats) and giving us the story primarily from his perspective, Nolan gave an incredible amount of celluloid to the other characters as well. And for once, that wasn’t a bad thing. Especially since, though he is excellent at playing both an emotionless facade and a cocky rich asshole, Christian Bale was the least of the main performances. That’s not to say that it’s bad, it’s just that we already spent an entire movie on his issues before; all we need now is to see him being a rich prick by day, then stuff him into some spandex and chuck him off a building right after sundown. Besides, with the excellent performances by Heath Ledger and Aaron Eckheart, Bale was probably better off sitting this one out.

If you’re interested in reading my spoilery thoughts on the flick, stick around. Just be patient for a bit. I’m not a Goddamned machine, to just turn on and crank out editorial content. I need a soda to press on, you fucking slavedriver.