Outdated By The Time It Hits The Shelves

I’m sure everyone is tickled pink that Time’s Man (Person? Feh.) of the Year is, in fact, you. This has essentially rendered the internet unreadable today, as every site was inundated with the obligatory egocentric “Yay I’m Time’s Person of the Year!” post. Great, thank you for being the 8 millionth fucking idiot to cash in on that completely obvious joke. It’s quite apparent that Time simply realized that we had all become so ridiculously idiotic and egotistical that we’d rather hear about ourselves than any figure of actual importance. In the last year we’ve elevated bloggers’ opinions to a level of near-Gospel-like factual relevance, exposed millions to the inane ramblings of meaningless twits on Youtube simply because they own a webcam, and given pedophiles easier access than ever to children’s awaiting virginal orifices. Truly, this is a golden age of information and entertainment. Pat yourselves on the back everyone, we’ve accomplished deeds of such importance that we’ve earned similar accolades to Hitler.

Time did do something that I agreed with, however, when they declared the PS3 a bust. I haven’t wanted a system less since the 3DO, and that includes the Jaguar. They did bag on Snakes on a Plane, which to my knowledge was quite enjoyable to most people, myself included. Maybe next year they’ll put themselves on the list and I won’t have to suffer through their redundant magazine in my doctor’s office anymore.

Besides, I don’t need them. I have blogs staffed by millions of Men of the Fucking Year to keep me informed.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. +_+In the icy wastes north of Kislev dwell nomadic tribes of barbarians known throughout the Empire as the Northmen. Sometimes a powerful leader will arise among these savage humans, uniting the tribes into a great warhost that marches south toward Kislev and the Empire. At such times as this, the Northmen seek only bloodshed and conquest, for they are willing servants of the inscrutable Chaos gods. The gods of Chaos are much more active in the lives of their worshippers than are the gods of other cultures. They reward their followers immediately when they are pleased, but are no less swift when demonstrating their displeasure with a devotee. A Chaos god can often show his favor by way of \”marking\” an individual with his symbol. This symbol bestows powers commensurate with the sphere of influence that the god controls. Further gifts and mutations are often bestowed if the god continues to be pleased with the works of his subject. The most powerful and favored warriors among these human worshippers of Chaos are called Champions, and are exceptionally powerful in battle. Among them, strength is authority, and so these Champions are also the leaders among their people. Such creatures are so potent and so mutated they can scarcely be called human any longer. They tend to wield massive weapons that a normal man would struggle to lift, and are clad in Chaos Armor that is bound to their skin. These Champions of Chaos are among the most powerful and terrifying adversaries in all the world. The Northmen that accompany their Champions into battle are called Marauders and often fight beside inhuman creatures such as the fearsome Beastmen. Sometimes they will even share the battlefield with creatures borne of pure Chaos energy: Daemons. The Age of Reckoning is ushered in as a Warhost of the god Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways, marches on the Empire. Leading this terrifying army of evil is a powerful Champion named Tchar’zanek.

  2. Sounds likeI remember this quote from Next gen back in 96 or so \” Everything Sony did right with the launch of the playstation, Phillips did wrong with the launch of the CDi\”The PS3 reminds me a lot of the CDi. New media for movies and games, fucking expensive. No damn games yet.

  3. Alas, the dragon is deadHahhhahhah I am glad the thing failed… is failing… whatever. As a huge Xbox/360 fan, and also an oldschool Nintendo loyalist, Im happy MS & N killed the PS3! I will dance naked on the rooftops tonight!

  4. not so fastThe PS3 isnt a bust yet. It is sold out and they do not have any games worth buying yet on the system. They are using the ONLY option for HD movies currently available for it, HD DVD a horrible idea and hopefully will die very soon. Though odds are that all disc formats will be outdated in a few years anyway so this whole point will probally be pointless in the long run.And eventually the systems price will drop to a more reasonable level. Its way to early to call it a bust. Im not saying it wont bust though.

  5. What the hell?One, why does Time’s \”Person of the Year: You\” graphic only show pictures of freaks and dirty hippies? I am neither. Two, what the fuck does Time magazine know about video games?

  6. PS2Hell, even the PS3’s predecessor had no call for me. I bought the Gamecube because it had the most attractive titles for me. Before those three (Xbox, Gamecube, PS2) came out, I made fun of Nintendo’s pandering only to the youngest audience. Now that I have played my friend’s Wii (and since I first saw Zelda being played on Google video), I realized that I am among their target audience even with their future Mario titles and their Zelda games. I couldn’t care less about the other systems at the moment, and so I’m definitely now a Nintendo fanboy for life (starting at 21..).

  7. Can we stop this shitIn the icy wastes north of Kislev dwell nomadic tribes of barbarians known throughout the Empire as the Northmen. Sometimes a powerful leader will arise among these savage humans, uniting the tribes into a great warhost that marches south toward Kislev and the Empire. At such times as this, the Northmen seek only bloodshed and conquest, for they are willing servants of the inscrutable Chaos gods…. blah blah blahIt was funny after the first 1000 posts…stop it now.

  8. HDDVD a bad idea?And exactly how is HDDVD a bad idea, compared to Blu-Ray?Just wondering, as the technical specs are pretty much the same.

  9. blu-rayblu-ray has MUCH MUCH more potental. I think they are saying the discs should be able to hold up to twice as much information. HDDVD is a terrible idea and was created just to fight off sony basically. This of course will ultimately end up with both formats failing and something new will come out in a few years to best them…so don’t go and blow your cash on any of these things.

  10. Hey Cum Stain!I dont tell you not to go blow all your money on underage croatian boys and cocaine so dont fucking tell me not to blow all my money on repackaged DVD’s.

  11. $$##To follow up on a previous discussion, we have decided that we will lock user names as part of the site redesign.This means that after the lockdown, you will no longer be able to change your user name. The lockdown will not happen until after the holidays, so for now you can still change your name to a holiday theme. HOWEVER, please be aware that some people have done just that and had their regular names taken by other users. As a result, my inbox is filled with the usual e-drama about, \”Oh my god, someone stole my name!\”The ability for users to change their names has always had malicious consequences and this is a good opportunity to solve some problems. The main reason we are doing this is because user pages will be linked to by the name of the user, rather than a unique user ID number. For example, my direct URL will be tomfulp.newgrounds.com. If I changed my name, any existing links to my page would become dead links.Yes, there are alternatives… User page aliases (resulting in every user occupying two names and causing even more confusion), redirects to old user names (which would only last until someone else claims the old name). I don’t like any of the alternatives, they feel like band-aids.So the point of this post: Be sure that starting in January, you are using a name that you intend to stick with!I might as well get all the bad news out at once: I haven’t received the second shipment of AngryFaic shirts yet, so there are a few remaining orders that won’t make it out for Christmas. I bet Danny Bacchus thinks his sister forgot to buy him something for Christmas, but he’ll have a nice little surprise in the new year! :)I’ll follow all this up with some inspirational emails, to get everyone back in the holiday spirit. Lee McGuire would like to thank the NG community for being so welcoming, adding:\”Now you may think all you’ve done is put a small animation that you thought was okay on the front page of your site, but you’ve done so much more. (now allow me to blether on for a bit)Well after I left school at the age of 16, I went to art college to study illustration, while studying there my friend introduced me to a little flash portal website where aspiring animators can upload their animations for all to watch. (your site suprisingly enough)I was introduced to the wonder that is There She Is!! and after watching Dad’s Home, I was amazed. I suddenly realised that animation was \”my thing\”, and that there was a program known as Flash from which I could learn, and create small animations, so I immediately left my college and went on to study animation at university.Now, a year and a half later, I uploaded my first ever attempt at a proper, more that 2 second long animation, to the wonderful site that started my whole animation life :).About 2 days after uploading it (and after I was pleasantly suprised with the 800 views and 89 ratings I recieved), you were kind enough to place it on the front page! I cannot thank you enough for doing that!Now, about a week after its been uploaded I have around 22,000 views and 1000 votes! (and so many kind reviews I feel rather elated!)So thank you kind sir, I hope that newgrounds continues to inspire other people like myself. I shall continue to make some more animations for your site, and constantly support newgrounds throughout.\”As if that weren’t inspirational enough, I recently received this email from AlantheBOX, who made this little gem, as well as many others:\”i haven’t been very active recently, as i have been:(A) saving up 30 cartoons in order to submit one everyday for a month, leading up to the release of(B) the full length movie i’ve been working on, tentatively titled \”mostly it’s about death… or life (i can’t really tell).\” like some of my other movies, it follows a ‘stream of consciousness’ as it jumps from piece to piece, sort of like a longer ‘how it will end’ with multiple artistic styles (traditional and computer animation, video, marionettes, puppets).my goal is to have it completed by the time i turn 26 (june 20th). as of now, i have been focusing on preproduction (writing, arranging, constructing props, shooting), but now that winter is here, it’s time to hunker down and get to animating and editing. one of the completed segments will actually be featured on an upcoming mtv2 special and i went as far as traveling to paris this fall to acquire a shot (i had to throw a paper airplane off of the eiffel tower). on this trip abroad, i also met some of the fans who are contributing their talents to the movie. which brings me to my point:this project would not be happening if it wasn’t for your site. i honed my skills and found my audience on it. many of the fans (from all over the world) who are helping me with music, animation, and voice acting all found me through newgrounds. as someone who has always been immensely interested in this emerging world of digital home production, i think this global collaboration is an amazing thing and i want to show the world what people can do using their home computers to make movies for fun, as opposed to the promise of fame or fortune.\”Yes, I am using these positive emails as a virtual HUMAN SHIELD against all the angry posts I expect to get about the user name lockdown. Maybe everyone is in a good enough mood right now that no one will mind. 🙂

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