Operation: Dance Dance

Crazy Geek from the Hacker Network has sent us a link to a spankin’ new flash video:

Additionally, so you don’t get the impression that I will post anything you sick people send me in e-mail, I provide the following:

  1. I am not creative. As even installing Flash is difficult for me, I am quite amazed when people actually make it work.
  2. I am never the first one to see anything. Since this is fairly new, well, here is my chance to be on the CUTTING EDGE OF ENTARTAINMENT!!!111
  3. I will post anything you sick people send me in e-mail.
  4. It is actually pretty damn good.

In closing, to steal (then bastardize) a quote from the beloved MoFemme Teflon Parakeet, if you have a problem with this, give me a call—I’ll be there to not answer the phone.

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