1. *******In the distant future a small group of human exiles have been doomed to fight for survival on the edge of the galaxy. Through military strength, espionage and deceit, a unified Terran government has maintained an uneasy peace. As resources run short, however, these Confederate nations find themselves looking towards the rich worlds of their alien neighbors, the enigmatic Protoss. To further complicate matters, it seems that a previously unknown and deadly species known only as the Zerg has entered Protoss space and is destroying everything in its path. The time for war has come… These ideals have enabled the Confederate Marine Corps and Colonial Fleet to defend Confederate interests along the Galactic Rim for more than two centuries. Marines come from all walks of life, but they are united in their devotion to the preservation of the Confederate way of life.The Corps offers countless opportunities for young men and women to see the sector and gain valuable real world experience. We will train you. We will teach you. We will shape you into an efficient warrior, garnering respect and admiration from your peers. We can even help you work past criminal and/or anti-social tendencies through counseling, drug therapy, and neural resocialization.Available positions within the Corps are listed by Occupational Field (OF) and include the Preferred Experience Base (PEB) and Occupational Summary (OS) for each Field.Strengths: Mobility, great defense, build anywhere, cloaking, versatility, Marines, strong through whole tech-tree, easy to learn, instant cloak detection, ability to repair buildings and most units. Weaknesses: Tendency to \”turtle\”, need lots of space, require active scouting, require micromanagement for special abilities, vulnerable to Dark Swarm, buildings burn up when highly damaged. In stark contrast to the adaptive Terrans and feral Zerg are the stolid, conservative Protoss. With their highly advanced technology and potent psionic abilities, the Protoss have long considered themselves the most powerful species in the known galaxy. Although they are not a prolific people, they have learned to bolster the ranks of their military with robotic war machines and to combine their intrinsic psionic ability with technology, thus producing some of the most effective warriors ever known. If the Protoss have a weakness, though, it is their refusal to accept change. The tenets of their major religion, known as the Khala, form a rigid path and the Protoss are loathe to deviate from it for fear of once again falling into civil strife. Although the Protoss were originally divided into several warring tribes, they were united by a single scholar/philosopher known as Khas, or \”he who brings order\”. Having studied the archaic, forbidden teachings of his ancestors, this mystic unearthed ancient, monolithic artifacts known as the Khaydarin Crystals. The power contained within these crystals — along with his teachings — are apparently responsible for the strengthening of the primordial, psychic link that all Protoss share. Khas also developed a strict religious, philosophical, and social structure christened the Khala. Under the Khala — which translates roughly to Path of Ascension — the Protoss have abandoned the crude tribal factions that led them into generations of vicious blood feuds and have instead created three castes: The Khalai (artisans and inventors), The Templar, (warriors and explorers) and The Judicator (administrators and leaders). Terran dealings with the Protoss have been limited, restricting our knowledge of their language, abilities and equipment. What we do know is that they possess extremely advanced technology, including warp-gate manipulation, energy shield generation and the ability to power their buildings and units with a Psionic Matrix. It is only recently that significant progress has been made in learning more of their secretive society and science, and this has come at the cost of hundreds of Terran lives.

  2. mmmAll i know is that the last comment has ‘amy smart’ in it. Ahh, happy memories.Why would someone spam Starcraft stuff anyway?

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