One Another Night In Paris

[ Existence of Paris Hilton Lesbian Sex Tape Confirmed ] – At least this is better news than that Scott Stapp/Kid Rock shit.

Paris Hilton made a lesbian sex tape with a Playboy pin-up, it has been claimed. The hotel heiress allegedly made the “horniest videotape of all time” with Playboy beauty Nicole Lenz.

Lenz is quoted in Britain’s News of the World newspaper as saying: “The moment we were in the room Paris had only one thing on her mind – sex.

“We lied down on a king size bed and took it in turns to play with each other. It wasn’t long before we were naked and rolling around together.”

Lenz also claims she and Paris pleasured each other with sex toys. She added: “We just pleasured each other for hours, recording it all. Paris had brought all manner of sex toys – to make sure we didn’t miss out on anything simply because there was no man in bed with us!”

So basically, this video has something for everyone. That’s what we’re saying here. You get Nicole Lenz violating (seems like a difficult task) Paris Hilton in a $1K/night Bellagio suite. I know it’s a lot to ask, but how about some fucking proper lighting this time?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

1 comment

  1. hum.soon paris hiltons vagina will be larger than maddonnas. afterwards in the chaso following the vacuum created by this monsterous snatch the survivors shall always remember the name…Gulgavul’hoptua. which means in Neo-Earthian, \”big honking pussy which devours all.\”

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