So Bolt was talking to me about an article written by a gender traitor, in which the author (a man) describes why women are insane: men. Yeah, apparently estrogen has nothing to do with it. Women are nuts because we don’t put down the fucking toilet seat. Sounds to me like somebody needs to find his wife’s purse, pull his bits out of there, dust them off, and reattach them. Then, maybe he won’t have to beg for sex by writing articles like this.

Anyway, stupid article aside, I browsed to the main MSN site, and found this lil’ gif advertising for

Oh goody, so my potential soul mate is looking for a man with a spellchecker and the brain capacity necessary to undo the CAPS lock. Not only that, but she looks like somebody bashed her in the face with a hot iron. And hey, if things don’t work out, the ad says I can meet plenty more singles just like her! So if you’re looking for a stupid bitch with the face of an angel that’s been mauled by a bear, you’re in luck! Thank you,, for letting me know just how effective online dating can be.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. FUCKING PUSSYhe almost has good points, but he lays it out withought any balls, he should have said it how it is, not prolong the shit with fancy talk, thats what is really differnt between guys and girls, with that stuff us guys want it put out strait and flat, to fancy bullshit, that artical was written for females to read and hope guys listen

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