1. mehmeh… Socialized medicine is still doing alright in just about every other major industrialized nation. Of course it has its drawbacks in those nations but then privatized medicine isnt without its drawbacks as well.

  2. I knew it. Socialized medicine works fine in other industrialized nations because they, for the most part have small populations of healthy people. For our 300 million fat asses it won’t work. Probably failing in Canada because everything they touch turns to shit.

  3. alsoi might also add, chris, that donkeyrigged said anything about socialism not working. He only suggested americans are fatasses (some states have obesity rates of 30 percent so he’s pretty right on there) implying a huge range of health problems which could over burden a socialized medical system.

  4. However… Just for the record, Socialism is a complete fuckin failure. It’s a great system, for ants and bees; Human nature will never allow such a thing.

  5. thats because they suck. You mean the rest of the industrialized world with it’s 15% unemployment, and anti-socialist backlash?

  6. what?15 percent unemployment? let’s try using some real world numbers instead of crazy fantasy world ones. To make this a valid comparison lets run this against other major economies who at the minimum have what Americans would consider socialized medicine.UK, Japan and South Korea all have unemployment rates below 5 percent (which is reasonably healthy) France is at 10 percent and Germany at 11.6. Germany’s high unemployment rate can be very correctly justified by the fact that the country is currently absorbing a very backwards east German economy (this will be a problem for Germany for at least another decade). France can be explained in the fact that it is very \”antibusiness\” in ways that fall outside of its socialist policies.So in summary we have 3 major economies with socialized medicine doing quite well, one with a very definitive excuse and one with, oh shit, lets just call it not a valid excuse for these purposes.So it’s 3-1-1 for other major economies with socialized medicine (amongst other more rigorous social programs). Huh… seems like socialism is working out fairly well (and this is without considering the various quality of life studies that have been done). Funny how things work when you use real numbers(all numbers gathered from CIA world fact book (http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html) and are current as of 2005)

  7. alsoalso the \”anti-socialist backlash\” is largly (although not entirely) a media invention. The media loves conflict and will create it at the slightlest indication. The backlash in Europe isnt nearly as severe as depicted in American media. Also, add to this that most of South America is undergoing a surge of soclialist support.

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