Off the fucking hook today

Wanna rip it apart! Ever in a fucking mood where you’ve just been working your hands to the bone, you’ve got the fresh reviving burst of energy from being single again and you want to rip the world apart, chew it up, spit it out all over yourself and rub it on you like jello? Luckily Im not a guy cuz I’d just be in the mood to buy a $5 hooker and fucker her til she was left bleeding all over the bed as I split her apart.And lucky for you I can’t upload my song that’s been running a rampage in my head for 2 fucking WEEKS, this song make me want to hop on a go go box!!!

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I dig it- by dirty sanchez

Categorized as Rants

By Peaches

thats right I paid for them


  1. The Real QuestionIs MyLahar wearing the platform boots? I think so. I like the black and white photo. You dont see that anymore.

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