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[ When Nerds Get Tatoos ] – strangely enough, one of the chicks is pretty cute. Of course you get the obligatory dorks with fake circuitry, although the spinal double helix looked pretty cool.

I know a lot of folks (*ahem* Bud, Billy Ray, I’m looking at you) who have Star Wars tatoos, which is where I pretty much draw the nerd line. Anything dorkier than that is traversing dangerously into scary waters. Although I do have to admit my one nerd vice, and that’s Zelda. When I was a kid, I always thought it would be cool to get the triforce inked on the back of my hand, like Link and Zelda have. Yeah, I thought that would be cool right up until I realized that sex was something that I might want to have someday. And thus, the dream had to die.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. geektanic’s my nameYes.. I as well have a star wars tattoo… the Reek skull on Boba Fett’s left shoulder pad, not something that is immediately recognizable as something star wars, so its not techniqually as bad, though it is at the same time.

  2. works conversely, thoughWorks for the ladies though. My roommate got a triforce on her neck and the phoenix symbol on the small of her back. She has men lining up….and I’m in the process of getting playing cards on my arm, but instead of on fire, they’re gonna have gambit’s energy covering them.

  3. TriforceIf I ever got a tattoo it would probably be something like the Triforce, I’m a Zelda nerd and I think that would be the shiznit.And I think I know Christy from Ithaca, she’ll be getting the penis soon.

  4. My nerd tattoos[IMG]http://beerisyum.jeeran.com/Tattoo1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://beerisyum.jeeran.com/Tattoo2.jpg[/IMG]Picture quality sucks because I used my web cam

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