Obligatory Video Game Shizzle

That’s right, welcome to August. And now welcome to a bunch of reasons that I will buy a Nintendo DS. I’m just going to run down the shit that I actually care about, rather than the whole list of shit like Monster Farmer and whatnot.

Aaaaaand…. GO!

Castlevania (Konami)
Viewtiful Joe (Capcom)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (Square Enix)
Secret of Mana (Square Enix)
New Team Ninja Game (Tecmo)

I might care about the Boktai or the Sonic game, but goddammit, there’s already like ten games for the thing that I will more than likely buy. Screw you, Nintendo. I work hard for this money. …well, I work for this money. …well… It’s my money goddammit, and now you’re blatently stealing it from my pocket, and handing me back magic beans. Except these beans are made of silicon and plastic. And I am addicted to these beans like some sort of crack/heroin/nicotine/Krispy Kreme mixture, and I will do anything to get them. Anything.

Hmm… maybe that was too much sharing for a Monday morning.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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