I got hit up by the guy who runs MyFreePaysite awhile back, talking about getting people to visit his site. I didn’t really pay it much attention because the word “free” makes my brain immediately brand it with “bullshit.” But the guy convinced me to sign up… and it’s actually free. Lots and lots of free porn, all in one convenient location. This, friends, is a sponsor I can get behind.

They don’t sign you up for spam, but I wouldn’t believe me if I said that either. So sign up with whatever anti-spam email address you normally use, and check out the mountains of free depravity that is contained within that one site. I feel pretty good plugging these guys, so you should feel good checking them out. And then check out the Bloopers & Outtakes section, and tell me that I’m not completely alone in thinking that it is hot.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Oh WowSharkey definately made up for being away for awhile in spades. Just stay away from some of the asian VoD’s as they are a little…..strange. Not that I expected anything less of them, i’m just saying.

  2. Definitely a good siteI, too, thought the \”free porn\” thing was bull until I visited it. No spam in the inbox and no \”enter the credit card – just in case\” scam either.Great porn, and a lot of it.

  3. ;’;”,.I’ve spent most of my morning combing through recent submissions and updating the Christmas 2006 collection. We are nearing 150 showcased submissions!While I personally watch just about everything I showcase on the site, I’ll admit that I’m tossing submissions in without watching them all. I thought this would be a good opportunity for people to point out submissions they enjoy, as well as submissions that have been overlooked for the collection! I’ve already noticed plenty of great submissions that don’t rank near the top, score-wise.There has been some great story-telling going on lately, with recent submissions such as Remembering Percy and Samantha. It’s great to see such a variety of work being submitted!Everyone NEEDS to download the latest version of Blast Miner, as the core game has completely changed. You now solve puzzles by creating chain reactions of explosions and physics. The end result is 100x more addictive than the original \”falling blocks\” theme, which has now been relegated to a secondary mode of play. The new Blast Miner is an instant classic and I want to congratulate Edmund and Alex for a job well done! For those of you who aren’t familiar with Edmund McMillen, he is a long time Newgrounds contributor and developed Gish while Dan Paladin and I were working on the PS2/ Gamecube version of Alien Hominid, coming soon to XBOX 360 Live Arcade (sorry Luis). Edmund then went on to block us from winning a fourth prize at the 2005 IGF, making his wife cry in the process.The spirit of giving is still going strong! Armor Games has contributed a big box of Flash 8 Bibles, to be sent out with the Wacom Intuos 3 tablets we are giving away for the holidays. Thanks, guys!Continuing with the gauntlet of holiday cheer, here’s an email I received from Gobi:\”Hey Tom,Just read yer frontpage post, and the emails that the artists sent you were really something – It’s almost amazing how caught up in things one can get and forget to look back on the path that brought him there. I’ve looked back a lot, and I must say, Newgrounds brought a whole new twist to my routine. If you can stomach another heart-felt thanks, then here goes -As a full-time lover of art, I found my outlet for creativity a few years ago through the means of flash animation. Home-made animating is something I not only thought impossible, but not worth the trouble. Here I sit nearly a full two years after my friend showed me newgrounds in front of my computer with not one, but two flash projects open, a whole array of sound effects, half organized dialouge, an endlessly re-written script, and a smile on my face. I’m doing what I love, and NG brings it to another level, as I’m instantly able to share it with the world. I choke on the word \”fans\” as it’s a word I’ve never used with my name in the same sentence. It’s hard to express how happy I am with all of this through words alone. No, really.In short, I too have found my audience within this site – and because of that, different doors are opening up. I find myself working on the third installment of my most efforted of creations, MoreLikeBlue and working side by side on various projects with authors I adore, such as knox and the college university team – it’s mindblowing to me still. Through Newgrounds, I have acheived a motivation to create I’ve never had.. a sort of rejuvinating reminder that I am a human being, capable of anything. Thank you, man.To find out that flash holds career possibilities was also a plus – with enough dedication, I can finally once and for all remove myself from the 12 hour grind shift at health reducing factories and instead marry finance and art, creating the things I want with as little stress as possible.Sorry this is so long – I owe you a lot.Thanks,- Brady Lowery\”I know it’s probably starting to sound like we’re patting ourselves on the back lately, but this is a good time of year to reflect on all the great things that are going on. While Newgrounds was born from my own personal anger and misery more than a decade ago, it has never been anything but positive. I think people make the mistake of seeing Newgrounds as a dark and twisted place, where I see it as an extremely POSITIVE place for dark and twisted people, not to mention plenty of completely normal, well-adjusted people.We’re a REAL community that has made a big noise on the web. Like I’ve said in a lot of my recent posts, I am bubbling over with excitement over where this train is going. I’m equally bubbling with fear that it could all crash and burn at any moment, but the great people here are a constant reminder that we’ll never go down without a fight. Our energy fuels each other; we’re all making each other better, making each other more focused and more determined. It’s like a real life RPG; we’re all powering up and preparing for bigger things. Life throws a lot of curveballs, but it can’t take away your inner talent and abilities. Unless you get brain damaged… just hope that doesn’t happen.

  4. i dunnoi guess as far as legally free porn goes this is alright. personally, if i’m going to download porn i’ll just do it off a bit torrent site and get something substancialy better than most of the stuff on there though.

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