Now I Know Why The Jedi Lost: Intergalactic Perversion

Ever since the mighty mobo meltdown of last weekend, I’ve been forced to abandon Star Wars Galaxies for the more Microsoft-reliant (and therefore, more evil) Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic. About 8 hours into the game you become a Jedi Padawan, eschewing years of studying and discipline for three minutes of training montage, which apparently takes three weeks, since your character is so “gifted” in the force. I attribute that to my heavy reliance on the dark side. My theory is that there are millions of insignificant aliens in the galaxy, therefore nobody is going to miss the five or six that gain me a few extra dollars so’s I can buy shiny things.

The game itself is a lot of fun, but the instant that you become a jedi, you become like Superman in a world filled with little girls who’s cats have become stuck in their respective trees. Everywhere you go, it’s save my kid or rescue my sex-bot.

That’s right, rescue my sex-bot. I don’t want to spoil it for those of you who haven’t gotten this far, but on your first Padawan-adventure, you stumble across a lady who asks you to find her “companion” that has been kidnapped. After a lengthy attempt to tell her to fuck off, it becomes apparent that her “companion” is a “personal assistant droid” that has “taken the place of her husband” in her home. Immediatly, probably due to my predeliction for the dark side, I began thinking naughty thoughts. But apparently, I was right. When I came across the little metal bastard, he was crying about how he wanted to be destroyed so that he wouldn’t have to go back and “service” his master. Pretty early in the game for deviancy, but what do I care, I’ve got two lightsabers. What’s odd though, is that I have a droid of my own in the game and there’s no option whatsoever to “molest” him, nor is there a “service master” option when you take control of it. Perhaps that is because my droid looks more like an R-2, while hers was more of an early C3PO model. You know Threepio was a bottom. R-2 was the butch, Threepio was the bitch. End of story.

Parents, be forewarned. This game describes sexual situations involving the gratuitous raping of droids. Mind your children.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. niftyI’ve been looking forward to that game for awhile, sounds like it’ll be even better than I thought. What platform are you playing it on Sharkey?

  2. Who shall we kill now?It’s only on Xbox right now…And just wait until you get HK-47. He’ll master you up your ass and volunteer to kill everyone and their meatbag mothers.

  3. agreedI’m so addicted to this game right now….and I usually hate RPGs, and I’m only a casual Star Wars fan. None of that shit matters, this game is just done right.

  4. The dudes that made thisBioWare, the same group that did the NeverWinter Nights, Baldur Gate games. Now if ONLY I could use my saber for naughty, nasty things in the night…. Mooohahahaaa! You just don’t KNOW the POWER of the DARK side!

  5. Say What?Ahh, like who the fuck cares anyways..LOL….*step back from the Evil Box and you will not be harmed*……Push that shit to the side, take a glance at your Girlfriend and picture her on all 4’s, wearnin that sweet Pink short set you bought her last week. Pretend she asks you if there’s anything you see that you like?…Repli…YES, and say you have a short list and you’d be happy to go over some of the details involving the Synthetic – Rubber instruments….Make up the rest in your mind cause you now have the time.Guess what?….You have officialy forgoten about that other shit…Waaa, Laaa………

  6. Planescape: TormentThat game was pretty damn awesome. First game I played where you didn’t _have_ to hack ‘n’ slash your way through anything unless you wanted to. Plus, the story was good enough it’d have made a book (or was it based on a book?) Beat the crap out of BG and BG2, the story in Baldur’s Gate 1 & 2 was barely tolerable. PS:T is like $5 now and I would so recommend it to anyone who even halfway liked BG.

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