Not So Final Now, Is It?

POW! I PUNCHA YOU FACE!I love the Final Fantasy, it makes me happy. Well, except for when it sucks, like 8. Or bores me, like 9 (or did I switch those two?). Or is online… well fuck, alright. I guess most of the time, I love Final Fantasy. That’s why I’ve got mixed bits of happiness and dread regarding Square’s plan to do a Final Fantasy VII spinoff (not Advent Children, mind you) that supposedly stars Vincent. Who when I played the game, accidentally got an extra “e” at the end of his name when I did the confirmation screen, so I call him Vincente. There goes Vincente, Latin gunslinging vampire extraordinaire.

Also, I’m pleased to hear about the new RPG Company “Mist Walker”, spearheaded by Final Fantasy godfather Hironobu Sakaguchi. He’s teaming up with old school FF artist Yoshitaka Amano, so hopefully they will bring some of the old school elements that I miss back into the mix.

Now that I have successfully endured my nerd fix for the day, I will wash the stench of desperation off my body and re-emerge to post a slice of the day. This could take awhile, so don’t hold your breath.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. FFVIII don’t know why, but after not too long I just got bored with the game. I completed it, but I basically became unimpressed with completing it with all the little perks, like \”golden chocobos\” or special rare/unique materia.

  2. FF3!Snes, FF3. Been through the thing over a dozen times.. Setz = Setzer, mah name! I’d really like to sit down for a week and go through all of them..well longer than that because I haven’t played all of them :p But to beat them all, in a row, would be sweeeeeeet.

  3. Shed one tear??God Damned Final Fantasy posing bastards. Nothing gets me more pissed off then people trying to boast like they’re Final Fantasy know-it-alls because they got FFVII when it first came out! I remember I used to read the Guide for Final Fantasy I (US version yeah yeah) over and over on car trips. Most people haven’t even heard of that Final Fantasy, yet still since they write fan-fic about Sephiroth winning the last battle in FFVII they are the masters. Well to sum up my arrogant argument in a very concise and childish manner…I pwn u n00bs.Thank you.

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