Not really knock-offs

Today, we will be exploring a couple of bands that sound like other bands, but still manage to keep their tunes unique enough to avoid mockery by me.

First off, we have the Ruffians, from New York City. They sound an awful lot like Flogging Molly, who in turn sound an awful lot like the Pogues. Happily, they’re willing to admit that they sound like Flogging Molly and the Pogues. I’d really love to see the Ruffians live, as they seem like they’d be a hell of a lot of fun- the sort of band you’d want to play your birthday party and drink all your beer. There’s a strong possibility they may do the best Pogues cover ever. Never have I heard a man sound so much like Shane McGowan without being age 40+ and an alcoholic.

And, secondly, are the Phenomenauts. Not only do they sound like Man Or Astroman? (only with vocals), they look like them, too. It’s kinda creepy, and somewhat eerie. However, they milk the rockabilly tip of the Man Or Astroman? sound a lot more than the surf side, so they actually come off as a more country type of band. Granted, how a band can be country, and also be from outer space, I’m not certain.

Seriously, though, both bands are worth checking out. Both the Ruffians and Phenomenauts have plenty of sound video samples on their sites (so you can check out each band in the comfort of your computer chair), along with links to buy their cds and assorted other merch.

Categorized as Music

1 comment

  1. Good choiceI’ve partied with the Ruffians a couple times in Dayton Ohio at either the Dublin Pub or after the Dayton Irish Festival. Really swell group, i stumbled across them when i went to see a favorite local band of mine \”Mother Grove\”

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