No Lawn Gnomes Were Harmed

Man Kills 15-Year Old W/Shotgun For Walking On Lawn ]

Martin: “Kids just been giving me a bunch of (expletive), making other kids harass me in my place, tearing things up.”
911 Operator: “OK, so what’d you do?”
Martin: “I shot him with a (expletive) 4-10 shotgun twice.”
911 Operator: “You shot him with a shotgun? Where is he?”
Martin: “He’s laying in his yard.”

Not fucking kidding, that’s the transcript. I know it reads like the kind of faux-transcript that I’d cook up (minus drug references or something) but this old fucker seriously called up, calm and cool, and had the most blase 911 conversation admitting to murder that I’ve ever heard.

People in Ohio take their lawns seriously, I guess.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Old Man : 1 Kid : 0Well… I mean, its not like this was the first time he was told to get off the lawn. Does the punishment fit the crime? Naw, but if youve ever told someone to stop doing something that they kept doing and doing and doing, after you told em to stop, it seems pretty reasonable to blow there fucking head off. Well… not reasonable, but ironically just. I think its funny that the kid apparently made it back to his own yard before falling down to die. Its like he learned something at the very end.

  2. …wait, wait, wait!i don’t see any justification for shooting the kid TWICE!i mean, seriously. i could see shooting him once because he was fucking pissing you off.but the second shot? that was just malicious.i mean, one shot with a shotgun is surely enough to down a 15 year old kid.unless he was gargantuan, but from the photos i saw there, he’s a pimply scrawny beanstalk.he was probably an asshole, though.but still. i hope that old man gets ass raped in prison into a bloody pulp.

  3. Good point!Hmmm… I concede to your logic. One shot probably was enough. If he had only shot the kid once, I would cry for leniency, but the 2nd shot is enough for me to wish Leeroy and T-bone to sodomize some prison justice into the old codger as well.

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