Ninja Rap

And now for ninja related news that doesn’t completely blow, here’s the new TMNT flick trailer.

Before you get all uppitty about the animated style of the flick, just try remembering what happened last time they made a live-action Turtles flick. And weep.

So far they haven’t officially cast anyone outside of the voice of Casey Jones, so don’t hold your breath for a Corey Feldman comeback. I certainly won’t, he’s broken my heart so many times, I just can’t imagine trusting him with it again.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Please please please pleaseplease please DO NOT SUCK.Looks like they adapted the style of the first gen graphic novels.. which is a good thing.But then Mikey makes an ass of himself, which may or may not be… a good thing.

  2. I made another funny!Another bastardized staple of my youth. Oh well. When’s the He-Man movie coming out????

  3. no shitI know there was a HeMan movie made. Notice the similairity between the two. Both were cartoons that were eventually made into crappy movies and we should have learned our lesson from. That was my point, which obviously went way over your head.

  4. not bad but…I wish they would make an adaptation (ala Spawn)directly inspired from the first comic book serie… (Mirage Studio)Instead of being the \”party dude\” Mike was the little sadist of the group. And the overall feel of the comic was so dark and grim… way more interesting.

  5. …well surprising alot of people don’t know about the he-man movie. And it’s a bit hard to read sarcasim over the internet.

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