Next Up: Kenny G Vs. Jay Leno

I'll fuck you til' you love me, faggot!Mother of sweet merciful crap, setups do not come much better than this. I’ll let the pudding provide it’s own proof today.

During a recent chat, Bolton, who is uncommonly good at rolling with the punches, cracked when interrogated about Conan O’Brien. The late night talk show host has been nothing but kind to Bolton at charity events or while sharing the diamond during celebrity softball games. However, during his program, O’Brien has tossed heavy barbs at Bolton. “Michael Bolton said yesterday he now wants to become an opera singer which is great since now my dad and I can hate the same kind of music.”

Ouch. “Normally I take all that (abuse) with a grain of salt,” Bolton said. “But if and when I see him I’m going to look at him in the eye and say, ‘I’m shocked.’ If we ever play another softball game together I’m going to drive the ball through his head. He plays third base but he better play outfield because he won’t survive the game.

Jeez Mike, seems like we’re a lil’ sensitive about the derogatory comments. Can’t really blame him though. After 20 years of being told that you’re a ambiguously gay representation of all that has ever sucked, or will come to suck in the future, you might just have to snap. Although I have to criticize his decision of Conan O’Brien as the outlet of his ire. Can’t you pick on someone a little more in your league, Bolton? How about Stephen Hawking? No wait, he’s got all those sweet boxing glove attachments on his wheelchair, you’d get mashed like a potato. Howsabout that kid from Jerry Maguire, Bea Arthur, or a blindfolded Corky from Life Goes On? You stand a slightly better than average chance with each one. I smell another Celebrity Boxing waiting to happen!

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By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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