Next Step: Doggie Pilates

Evil Homer felt compelled to share the latest ridiculous product approved by the FDA: Anti-Obesity Pills…. For Dogs.


“This is a welcome addition to animal therapies, because dog obesity appears to be increasing,” said Stephen Sundlof, D.V.M., Ph.D., director of FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine. “Veterinarians are well aware that overweight pets are at a higher risk of developing various health problems, from cardiovascular conditions to diabetes to joint problems.”

Adverse reactions associated with treatment with Slentrol include vomiting, loose stools, diarrhea, lethargy and loss of appetite.

To discourage human use, the label of Slentrol includes the standard warning, “Not for use in humans. Keep this and all drugs out of reach of children,” and cites adverse reactions associated with human use, including abdominal distention, abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence, headache, nausea and vomiting.

Seriously… I mean seriously. I know there are exceptions to this, but if you can’t keep a dog in good shape, should you be allowed to care for any being other than yourself, if that? Shit, if you’re going to put your dog on weight loss medication, why not just adopt a child and screw up their lives instead? I mean if you’re going to be a fuckup, go whole hog as a fuckup. Don’t limit your potential damage to a canine, you have endless destructive possibilities my idiot friend. God is calling upon you to share that gift with the world.

“To discourage human use,” Jesus. It stands to reason that a fat idiot would have a fat idiot dog too, why not share the medication if you’re sharing your leftover table scraps from that extra large pizza that you so lovingly call “your individual” size.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

1 comment

  1. !!@@Clerics are Human Mystics who borrow the power of the gods to perform miracles. Although they often belong to religious organizations, some of them refuse to align to any one religion and act on their own according to their own beliefs. Their magic is mostly used to help other people. Due to the nature of their profession, they often travel to make pilgrimages for their religion. Playstyle:Clerics have chosen white magic and support magic as the focus of their profession rather than direct magical attacks. During solo play, Clerics can increase their abilities by using magic and by wearing light armor. However since their physical prowess falls quite short of the Fighter class, they are slow hunters. However, since it is possible for them to have continuous hunting by healing their own wounds, they are not entirely inferior when it comes to solo play.Since Clerics can use both support magic and white magic, they are considered critical in parties, and are welcome in almost any party to cast Might, Shield, and Heal spells. In addition, during a crisis situation, a Cleric can perform crowd control by using spells such as Sleep.

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