News Flash: Celebrities Know Dick About Political Policy

I dunno what you would expect, the guy is famous for writing songs and banging starlets, not diffusing intense political situations. Bickering about whether or not he used a fucking word correctly is a true waste of time. Time that would be better spent on more useful endeavors, like finding out whether or not Britney let him deploy troops into all Southern regions.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. nice… very nice…\”Sheindler said that ‘agreeance’ was an obsolete word, having passed out of circulation by about 1714, but noted that it was still used occasionally — especially in Australia.\”i’ve NEVER heard anyone use it in australia. must be because we’re all convicts or something inane like that.

  2. anti-liberal biasI get so tired of this anti-liberal backlash. Everyone gets flustered when speaking publically, and whether it’s about the war or not shouldn’t matter. Hell, Bush has a list of words he’s used that are loosely, if at all, defined in any official context. Stop with the whole \”I hate celebrities for having opinions because they aren’t really people\” bit, because you’ve already done it to death.

  3. actually …Yeah, turns out it’s a real word, and you wanted to say \”defusing.\” Since we’re on the subject and all.

  4. by the wayI like your posts Sharkey, but what happened to other people posting on the main page? Come to think of it, what happened to other people posting at all? Where did the rants go? That was my favorite part of the daily trip to bamf.

  5. That is a word.That’s pretty funny. I don’t like Fred myself, but that is a word. Ha ha.Yeah, what did happen to the rants section?

  6. yes.Yes, I hate celebrities for having opinions because they aren’t really people. but honestly, durst is a fucking dumbass… who else would cause a fire at a concert and have an EMT trampled by an assload of concert-goers, causing him permament spinal and brain damage. So now just cuz he knows ONE archaic word sus wants to give him the Nobel prize… so sick of uppety ignorant liberals. As for the war… the sooner we get it started, the sooner we humiliate saddam (again), and the sooner it will end.

  7. wordWe don’t need to humiliate Saddam, we need to kill him – which we should have done in the first place. Hell, we should just do it right now, go in there, arrest him for crimes against humanity, chop of his wanger – feed it to him on a silver platter and then put a bullet between his nice, bushy eyebrows.

  8. Slightly off topic…Hey Sharkey, you notice they tapped Haliburton to \”assist in the rebuilding\” of Iraq?Coincidence that thats Cheney’s old stomping ground? 🙂

  9. SamSam, if we wanna charge Saddam for crimes against humanity, then we should join the world court, and allow countries to charge Kissinger… Nuff said.

  10. CelebsI can’t seem to remember what we are mad at the celebrities for. Are we mad at them because their opinion is anti-war, or are we mad at them because they are celebrities abusing their position of fame for political means? Or are we mad at them for expressing their right to bitch about a gov’t they feel is unjust and not listening to its constituency?Don’t they have the same rights as any other American… I mean the rights we have left after the Patriot act.

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