Newleyweds Season 4: Unidor Strikes!

Nick Lachey is going to be one smiling motherfucker, after he receives his first alimony check from Jessica Simpson. She just rallied up the gumption to file for divorce from the former… what the fuck band was he in?

…meh, like it matters. The guy is taking one back for us all, and for that we should applaud him. He got to tag one of the most desirable women on the planet, live in a house that her talent (*ahemtits*) built, and now he gets a slice of her massive bank account. God almighty… there is… a God almighty.

The guy has some enviable luck. Tip your hat to this motherfucker tonight lads… he’s set the bar for us all.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


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