New Stereotypes Are Fun

During my vacation from BAMF, I took up a consulting gig with a magazine company. Mostly telecommute, but during a few crunch situations I’ve been known to hit up the office. Take today, for example. I pulled into the parking lot and was apathetically listening to the Stern wrap-up show, when I noticed a flash to the right and turned my head to look out the back right window. There was the head of an Indian fellow swiftly approaching my window, and even more alarmingly so, he was still in his car. He’d somehow pulled into the parking space next to me diagonally. Mind you, I was the only car around in a very large parking lot. It’s almost as if he didn’t remember that he was supposed to pull into a space and stop his Corolla until he saw me, yelled “CARRRR!” and gunned it towards me.

Once he extracted himself, it was a six-point turn into the mildly mismatched parking space.

I just thought they smelled bad. I had no idea that they couldn’t drive either.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. you asshole, casino indians only ride horses and live in wig-wams. of course he’s talking about curry indians.

  2. oh thank jesus i thought i was gonna have to go buy a gun until you came back to entertain me sharkface

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